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Suppressing the Price of Gold: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman and the ...

Suppressing the <b>Price</b> of <b>Gold</b>: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman and the <b>...</b>

Suppressing the <b>Price</b> of <b>Gold</b>: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman and the <b>...</b>

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 03:54 AM PDT


Video interview:

In this exclusive video interview on behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management / GoldSwitzerland Lars Schall talks with William S. Kaye, the Senior Managing Director of the Pacific Alliance Group of Companies in Hong Kong.

They speak about the motive, the means and the opportunities to suppress the gold price.

Kaye says the motive is simple as a free-market price of gold would essentially cast the interventions for what they are and stabilize policy measures taken by Central banks.

However, he explains and predicts that the price suppression scheme can't go on forever and that in the 'end game' the 100 fold paper gold market must eventually be settled with physical gold and that it will require an extremely high price of gold to entice owners of physical gold outside the banking system to be willing to meet that massive anticipated demand.


 About William S. Kaye

William Kaye is the Founding Partner, Chief Investment Officer, Senior Managing Director and Vice Chairman at The Pacific Alliance Group of Companies based in Hong Kong. He oversees all portfolio and direct equity management activities of the group's various investment efforts. He is the Managing Partner of the Greater Asian Hedge Fund and a predecessor of Asian Hedge Fund, L.P. Prior to this, he was a Founder and Director at ASIMCO in 1992 to 1998, where he pioneered the investment of approximately $380 million in China. Mr. Kaye orchestrated the profitable sale of Pacific Alliance Group's stake to GE Pension Trust in 1998.

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