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10 September 2014 - Harga Emas Mulai Naik

10 September 2014 - Harga Emas Mulai Naik

10 September 2014 - Harga Emas Mulai Naik

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 02:36 AM PDT


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA -- Harga emas mulai menunjukkan kilaunya pagi ini, Rabu (10/9/2014). Diperdagangkan dekat dengan harga terendahnya sejak Juni, emas menguat di tengah spekulasi, murahnya harga memicu investor untuk membeli logam mulia ini.

Bullion untuk pengiriman cepat diperdagangkan di US$ 1.256,03 per ons troi pada pukul 8.13 WIB. Kemarin, harga emas spot ini ditutup di harga US$ 1.255,47. Harga emas sempat merosot kemarin hingga US$ 1.247,6, level terendah sejak 6 Juni.

Harga emas untuk pengiriman Desember menguat 0,6% ke US$ 1.256 per ons troi di bursa Comex, New York, setelah kemarin turun ke US$ 1.248,10.

Penguatan dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) akibat rencana Federal Reserve menaikkan bunga acuan, menjadi salah satu penekan harga emas dunia. The Fed kemungkinan mempercepat kenaikan rate seiring perbaikan ekonomi AS yang kian stabil.

"Minat investor tetap lemah sementara dollar AS terus menggerus harga emas," kata Xia Yingyin, analis di Nanhua Futures Co. Pekan ini, AS diperkirakan merilis data penjualan ritel Agustus yang menjadi level terkuat dalam empat bulan terakhir. Pemohon klaim pengangguran AS untuk periode sepekan hingga 6 September juga diperkirakan untuk pertama kalinya mencatat penurunan.

Sementara itu, harga perak untuk kontrak Desember juga diperdagangkan di US$ 19,04 per ons troi dari US$ 19,06. Kemarin harga perak mencapai US$ 18,88, harga terendahnya sejak 5 Juni. (Sanny Cicillia)


10 September 2014 - Independent Scotland could claim part of £7.8bn gold reserves

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 02:34 AM PDT


The distribution of the UK's assets in the event of Scottish independence would be subject to negotiation between an independent Scottish Government and the continuing UK government, a spokesman for the United Kingdom Treasury said.

The United Kingdom, whose reserves are worth 7.84 billion pounds ($12.6 billion) at today's prices, making it the world's 18th largest gold reserves holder, Reuters reported on Monday.

In total, the UK is said to have 310 metric tons in gold reserves.

A YouGov poll in the Sunday Times indicated that 51 percent of Scots supported independence while 49 percent backed the current Union.

It was the first time polls suggested there could be a 'Yes' vote for independence in the referendum on September 18. If Scots vote for independence, this would be followed by negotiations with London over a raft of assets, including the pound and North Sea oil. Britain's gold reserves and how to divide them would be part of these negotiations.

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has faced persistent criticism for disposing of almost 400 tons of the United Kingdom's gold through a series of auctions between 1999 and 2002, when prices were at their lowest in around 20 years. However, gold prices surged over the following decade, rising five times to $1,920.30 an ounce in September 2011 in comparison to 2002.

Brown has subsequently campaigned for the preservation of Scotland's 307-year old union with England.

Meanwhile, Sterling fell to a 10-month low against the dollar on Monday amid a sell-off of Scotland-linked companies.

The markets reacted with widespread negative sentiment over rising uncertainty about the United Kingdom's economic stability, especially after the weekend poll showed rising support for independence.


10 September 2014 - Hold on Tight to Your Gold!

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 02:31 AM PDT


Russia is amassing huge amounts of gold right now…

In the second quarter of this year, Russia's central bank purchased 54 metric tons (MTs) of gold. It has now outstripped China in total gold reserves.

Why the sudden buying spree?

Most likely, this is a sign that the Russian economy is reducing its dependence on the dollar and the euro, which make up the lion's share of the country's forex reserves.

And given the recent political sanctions imposed on Russia, the trend will probably continue.

But it's not just Russia that's binging on gold right now. Countries around the world seem to be losing faith in global currencies…

Global Gold Rush Commences

As you can see in the chart below, countries with unsteady political atmospheres and weak currencies have been buying up gold over the past decade.

Plus, while most developed countries haven't been adding to their reserves, they're still holding on to what they have acquired, and are showing little sign of letting go.

Indeed, not only does the U.S. rank No. 1 in terms of the quantity of gold it holds (over 8 million MT), but it accounts for 71.9% of our total reserves.

Switzerland feels so strongly about its gold that in 2013 the Swiss People's Party forced a referendum on a proposal to prevent the nation's central bank from selling any of its gold reserves and requiring it to hold at least 20% of its assets in the precious metal.

And Germany, home to the world's second-largest gold reserves, only keeps 31% of its gold at home in the Bundesbank in Frankfurt. Citizens feel it's safer elsewhere, such as the United States, where 45% sits in the U.S. Federal Reserve in New York.

So what does the buying (and holding) mean for the current state of the market?

Time For You to Take Action?

This recent activity acts as a reminder that gold continues to play an important role in central bank reserves because of its universal acceptance and liquidity.

In a zero interest rate environment, there's no opportunity cost to holding physical gold, as you aren't forfeiting any returns from interest bearing investments, such as Treasuries or bonds.

Gold is considered a good hedge against inflation, as well as a solid defensive play in times of geopolitical uncertainty.

It's a reliable safety net that a country can have against an impending crisis or currency meltdown.

So should you be following their lead and scooping up gold for yourself in the event that a currency crisis does come into play?

The answer is "yes."

I'm not saying a currency meltdown is in the works. But it's always crucial to maintain some exposure to gold.

Treasuries closely compete with gold, seeing as they're subject to both the macroeconomic policies and performance of the issuing country, as well as its credit rating.

Gold holdings also provide an added layer of security when it comes to issues of international trade.

For all of these reasons, it's a good idea to hold even a small percent of gold in your portfolio.

Good investing,

Shelley Goldberg


10 September 2014 - 投资机构高管:金价即将打破牢笼 年底前或回归1500

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 02:29 AM PDT


Sprott Asset Management投资主管Charles Oliver日前在接受采访时表示,虽然目前黄金(1254.80, 6.30, 0.50%)价格收到央行[微博]操控,但是有望在年底前回到1500美元/盎司上方。






另外Oliver还预计,白银(19.07, 0.15, 0.79%)价格可能上涨至100美元/盎司以上,目前黄金与白银价格1/66的比例可能会被打破。


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