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Silver and Gold Prices: Gold Price Made a V-Bottom Overnight at ...

Silver and <b>Gold Prices</b>: <b>Gold Price</b> Made a V-Bottom Overnight at <b>...</b>

Silver and <b>Gold Prices</b>: <b>Gold Price</b> Made a V-Bottom Overnight at <b>...</b>

Posted: 05 Sep 2014 06:29 PM PDT

29-Aug-145-Sep-14Change% Change
Gold Price, $/oz.1,285.801,265.80-20.00-1.6
Silver Price, $/oz.19.39819.0820.316-1.6
Gold/Silver Ratio66.28566.3350.0500.1
Silver/gold ratio0.01510.0151-0.00-0.1
Dow in Gold $ (DIG$)274.89279.874.981.8
Dow in gold ounces13.3013.540.241.8
Dow in Silver ounces881.45898.0916.641.9
Dow Industrials17,098.4517,137.3638.910.2
US dollar index82.7283.791.071.3
Platinum Price1,426.701,412.50-14.20-1.0
Palladium Price908.65891.00-17.65-1.9

3 Day Gold Price Chart
30 Day Gold Price Chart
3 Day Silver Price Chart
30 Day Silver Price Chart
'Twas not a kind week for silver or GOLD PRICES, which both lost 1.6%. Nor did platinum or palladium fare better. The scrofulous US dollar index rampaged after the European Central Bank's surprise party. Stocks, in spite of the S&P500's new highs, barely held their own.

The GOLD PRICE grew today by -- are y'all ready for this? -- seventy cents to $1,265.80. Silver took out her tweezers and plucked 1.8 cents from somewhere, rising to 1908.2c.

A five day chart shows that gold yesterday made a V-bottom overnight at $1,258. Good, but gold must hold above $1,262 to verify that.

The SILVER PRICE five day chart resembles gold's, with a V-bottom yesterday. Must hold above 1900c.

Considering the ECB's surprise party this week and the dollar's rise, silver and gold held up pretty well. In spite of dollar strength, they held on. That's the best thing I can say for them right now.

Wait, Moneychanger! Are you giving up on metals? Not on your life, but this will play out until a docile, gullible catches on to the Federal Reserve's printing scam. Or until yet another financial crisis blows up.

Nothing has changed. Nothing has been reformed. No heads have rolled. If the cause (inflation) hasn't changed, then the result (the gold and silver bull market) won't change, either. Be patient, be patient. Now is the time to buy, not jump overboard.

The week's big news was the European Central Bank's announcement they will further obliterate their currency with inflation. ECB lowered its rediscount interest rate from 0.15% to 0.05%, began charging banks 0.2% to hold reserves, and announced a quantitative easing program of US$691 billion over three years (US$230 bn/year or US$20 bn a month).

That announcement threw the euro over the cliff and sent people jumping onto the US dollar, the only horse in the corral not lame in two feet. Dollar index gained 1.12% while the euro lost 1.59%. Today the Dollar index closed off one basis point at 83.79, and that probably marks the move's limit. Euro rose slightly, 0.9%, to $1.2951. Yen rose 0.21% to 95.17. The dollar is so overbought, and the yen and euro so oversold, that they need at least a relief correction to work that off.

S&P500 today made a new high at 2006.68, up 9.16 or 0.46%. Dow added 67.75 (0.4%) to close at 17,137.36, not quite equal to 16 July's high at 17,138.20.

The S&P500 had posted a key reversal on Wednesday and Thursday, but cancelled that today with a higher close. It still appears to be rolling over. Dow, also, looks gravity bound. A close below 17,000 or 1990 would drag down stocks like wearing concrete overshoes swimming off Long Island.

Throw your eye on the Dow in Gold chart on the right:

The Dow in Gold made a high at December's end at 13.80 oz (G$285.27 gold dollars). It dropped into March to 11.62 ox ($240.21) , then climbed to an early June high at 13.53 oz (G$279.69). From that June high it fell into early August to 12.45 oz (G$257.36). From there it climbed again to 13.53 oz today. Question here is, Can it climb higher or will resistance here stop the DiGs? Indicators whisper that it is topping.

Now go look at the chart for the Dow in Silver on the left:

Dow in silver painted a rising wedge from June 2013 through June 2014 when it topped at 892.99 oz (S$1,154.57 silver dollars). In June the DiS dropped out of that rising wedge, then predictably dropped to 787.85 oz (S$1,108.63), below the 200 DMA. It rallied from mid-July to 894.40 oz (S$1,156.40) yesterday, a new high.

Both these charts appear to be forming double tops. Dow in silver could climb as high as 912 oz (S$1,179.15). Gold must not rise higher than 2% above the 13.80 top or 14.08.

Why am I wasting your time with this? Because these indicators must turn down before silver and gold can turn up. Until they turn down, the Federal Reserve's paper money scam is working.

Y'all enjoy your weekend!

Aurum et argentum comparenda sunt -- -- Gold and silver must be bought.

- Franklin Sanders, The Moneychanger

© 2014, The Moneychanger. May not be republished in any form, including electronically, without our express permission. To avoid confusion, please remember that the comments above have a very short time horizon. Always invest with the primary trend. Gold's primary trend is up, targeting at least $3,130.00; silver's primary is up targeting 16:1 gold/silver ratio or $195.66; stocks' primary trend is down, targeting Dow under 2,900 and worth only one ounce of gold or 18 ounces of silver. or 18 ounces of silver. US $ and US$-denominated assets, primary trend down; real estate bubble has burst, primary trend down.

WARNING AND DISCLAIMER. Be advised and warned:

Do NOT use these commentaries to trade futures contracts. I don't intend them for that or write them with that short term trading outlook. I write them for long-term investors in physical metals. Take them as entertainment, but not as a timing service for futures.

NOR do I recommend investing in gold or silver Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs). Those are NOT physical metal and I fear one day one or another may go up in smoke. Unless you can breathe smoke, stay away. Call me paranoid, but the surviving rabbit is wary of traps.

NOR do I recommend trading futures options or other leveraged paper gold and silver products. These are not for the inexperienced.

NOR do I recommend buying gold and silver on margin or with debt.

What DO I recommend? Physical gold and silver coins and bars in your own hands.

One final warning: NEVER insert a 747 Jumbo Jet up your nose.

The Truth About Where <b>Gold Price</b> Is Headed :: The Market Oracle <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Sep 2014 07:34 AM PDT

The Biggest lie in Stock Market History Revealed

Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014 Sep 06, 2014 - 04:34 PM GMT

By: Chris_Vermeulen


I will be honest, it has been a long time since I have been excited about gold, but I am starting to like gold once again. I had grown too bored to care what gold did. With the bull market top in 2011, and four years later price continues to founder can you blame me?

Let me start out by painting a picture for you. This is my technical analysis overlaid on the price of gold. This simply gives you a visual of were the price of gold is trading.

But first, if you have not yet seen this "Gold in the USA" infographic you must check it out... it shows the history of gold in a visual format, and you will likely learn something from it - Click Here

Gold Holds Long-Term Bearish Pattern

Gold peaked around 1900 in September 2011 and quickly fell to the 1550 area. The metal then consolidated for 18 months before it broke support. The sharp decline triggered a drop in price to $1200 in April 2013. Since then gold has been in another consolidation, which is a bearish continuation pattern.

The lower highs in 2013 and 2014 reflect weakening demand and increasing selling pressure at lower price levels. A break down in price below support would trigger further weakness and a drop to roughly $900 oz. If you want more of a bearish visual; see my August gold report.

$GOLD Gold - Spot Price (EOD) CME

Gold Bullish Outlook Signs of a Bottom

SIGN #1: Gold is technically still in a down trend but it may be quietly forming a bottom. This is how bull markets often start. First it declines in value to a point which breaks the most steadfast bulls. And it does this by relentlessly losing value for an extended period of time. If the market doesn't shake you out, it will wear you out!

Gold is no longer talked about by the majority of participants, nor is it talked about every day in the media. Simply put, everyone is bored of the low price and sideways trading the past couple of years.

SIGN #2: The key to front running the next rally in gold is to watch the price of gold stocks. They typically lead gold. So when gold stocks start outperforming the price of gold along with the HUI gold stock index we can expect the price of gold to follow a few days or weeks later.

Gold stocks as a whole have not yet started to outperform gold. But if we look at the HUI/Gold ratio it is at extreme levels. This is the same level we saw in 2001 before gold and gold stocks rocketed higher for several years. The ratio is not something you should trade off of, but it's a good confirmation indicator that gold stocks are priced fairly.

SIGN #3: Looking at what the price of gold has done over the past 40 years 12 months before interest rates have been increased is very interesting and not something many traders know.

With interest rates expected to rise in 2015 this is a statistic that should be reviewed. Numbers do not lie and historical charts show the price of gold rising an average of 20% within the year before interest rates rise. And in case you happen to miss the first 6 months of the move, do not worry. Most of the rally takes place just 6 months before rates go up.

SIGN #4: September is the strongest month for gold each year when looking at the 32 year seasonal chart. The odds favor higher prices this month. Likely not enough to spark a new bull market, but may build a base in the price.

Gold Futures Seasonal 32 Years

Gold Forecast and Conclusion

One day these weeks gold will breakout down from of this consolidation pattern or breakout and rally from this basing pattern. Which way is the question we are all wondering.

Anyone who clearly states gold has bottomed and to buy is taking a stab as being a hero and to say what the masses want to hear. Sure, it sounds great, but it's BS.

From a price and technical standpoint gold remains bearish or neutral at best. Until price clearly breaks out from this range you should trade with caution and small position sizes.

However, when/if gold starts to rally it is likely best to jump on the train rather than wait for a pause or pullback in price after the breakout. It may just keep on rising until $1550 is reached.

Watch My Daily Gold Video Analysis at

Automated Investing System for the Average Trader:

Chris Vermeulen

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Chris Vermeulen is Founder of the popular trading site  There he shares his highly successful, low-risk trading method.  For 7 years Chris has been a leader in teaching others to skillfully trade in gold, oil, and silver in both bull and bear markets.  Subscribers to his service depend on Chris' uniquely consistent investment opportunities that carry exceptionally low risk and high return.

This article is intended solely for information purposes. The opinions are those of the author only. Please conduct further research and consult your financial advisor before making any investment/trading decision. No responsibility can be accepted for losses that may result as a consequence of trading on the basis of this analysis.

© 2005-2014 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.

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