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17 April 2014 - Gold lifts amid Iraq concerns

17 April 2014 - Gold lifts amid Iraq concerns

17 April 2014 - Gold lifts amid Iraq concerns

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 03:22 AM PDT


JUNE 17, 2014 7:58AM

GOLD prices have carved out a modest gain as worries about escalating violence in Iraq are tempered by stronger US equities.

GOLD for August delivery, the most actively traded contract, ended $US1.20, or 0.1 per cent, higher at $US1,275.30 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. This was the highest settlement since May 23.

Gold prices have advanced in recent days, as the spiralling violence in Iraq prompted some investors to seek ways of protecting their wealth against geopolitical instability. Gold is perceived by some traders as a safer bet than Treasury bonds or currencies because its value isn't linked to a country.

On Monday, futures had touched highs of $US1,285.10 an ounce after the radical Sunni militia that plunged Iraq into chaos claimed it had executed hundreds of Shi'ite Iraqi soldiers. At the same time, the US said it is preparing to open direct talks with Iran on how the two longtime foes can counter the insurgents. The talks are expected to begin this week.

But a resurgence in US stocks, which are considered a riskier investment than gold, put a damper on investor appetite for the precious metal.

"If the equities aren't showing any fear, why would you rush into gold," said Frank Lesh, broker and futures analyst with FuturePath Trading.

Some market watchers also said that while the situation in Iraq has brought buyers into the gold market, the country's importance to the Middle East will force the international community to step in and resolve the problem.

"There's just too much international interest in Iraq right now," said Bob Haberkorn, a senior commodities broker with RJO Futures in Chicago.

"Iraq and its neighbours will get their hands around this pretty quickly."

Settlements (ranges include open-outcry and electronic trading):

London PM Gold Fix: $US1,276.25; previous PM $US1,273.00

Aug gold $US1,275.30, up $US1.20; Range $US1,272.50-$US1,285.10

Jul silver $US19.715, up 6.0 cents; Range $US19.580-$US19.875

Jul platinum $US1,439.10, up $US4.10; Range $US1,435.50-$US1,445.60

Sep palladium $US809.35, down $US3.25; Range $US808.30-$US823.50


17 June 2014 - Emas naik didukung ketidakstabilan di Irak

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 03:19 AM PDT


Selasa, 17 Juni 2014 06:22

Chicago (ANTARA News) - Emas berjangka berakhir lebih tinggi di COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange, Selasa pagi WIB, didukung meningkatnya ketidakstabilan di Irak.

Kontrak emas yang paling aktif untuk pengiriman Agustus, naik 1,2 dolar AS atau 0,09 persen, menjadi menetap di 1.275,3 dolar AS per ounce.

Peningkatan aksi kekerasan di Irak meningkatkan daya tarik "safe haven" emas, tetapi keuntungannya terseret turun sedikit oleh data ekonomi AS yang lebih baik dari perkiraan.

Federal Reserve pada Senin mengatakan bahwa produksi industri AS meningkat 0,6 persen pada Mei, lebih baik dari perkiraan awal. Demikian diberitakan Xinhua.

Sementara itu, laporan dari New York Fed menunjukkan bahwa indeks kondisi bisnis umum "Empire State" yang mengukur aktivitas manufaktur di wilayah New York, secara tak terduga naik menjadi 19,3 pada Juni dari 19,0 pada Mei.

Selain itu, Asosiasi Nasional Pengembang Perumahan AS bersama dengan Wells Fargo, mengatakan kepercayaan keseluruhan pengembang rumah naik empat poin menjadi 49 pada Juni, tingkat tertinggi dalam lima bulan terakhir.

Para investor juga menunggu keputusan Fed tentang suku bunga pada Rabu (18/6), yang bisa membuktikan sebuah momen penting untuk emas.

Emas telah diperdagangkan antara 1.270 dolar AS hingga 1.285 dolar AS baru-baru ini.

Perak untuk pengiriman Juli naik 6 sen, atau 0,31 persen, menjadi ditutup pada 19,715 dolar AS per ounce. Platinum untuk pengiriman Juli naik 4,1 dolar AS, atau 0,29 persen, menjadi berakhir pada 1.439,1 dolar AS per ounce.


Editor: Ella Syafputri


16 June 2014 - Precious metals traders seek waiver

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 03:17 AM PDT



PLAYERS in the precious metals industry are in talks with the government for an exemption of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the importation and local supply of precious metals for investment purposes.

They believe that the imposition of the GST on investment precious metals (IPM) will affect investors' demand for the commodity and undermine Malaysia's aims to be the hub for the trading of precious metals such as gold.

Local trader Public Gold Group's founder and executive chairman Datuk Louis Ng said if GST were to be imposed on IPM, it will no longer be a viable tool for investment and as a hedge against inflation and foreign exchange fluctuations.

"By exempting the GST for IPM like most other countries, more money would flow into the country and this will attract investors," he said.

Ng said IPM in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong and New Zealand are exempted from the GST.

Come April next year, the Sales and Service Tax (a combined 16 per cent) will be replaced by a six per cent GST, which is also known as value-added tax.

Currently, there is no tax on IPM and prices are based on international IPM prices.

Speaking to Business Times recently, Ng said industry players are currently talking to the relevant ministers regarding GST exemption on IPM.

He said IPM is a personal wealth-saving instrument for capital appreciation and is not a general consumer item.

Unlike jewelleries, IPM are non-fashionable items, do not have workmanship cost and follow international gold market price, Ng said.

"It also has exact weight and quality, which is certified by independent assayers.

"Investment in precious metals like grade gold, silver and platinum are essentially financial assets that are actively traded, similar to financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and currency," he said.

Ng said GST exemption on IPM would encourage more Malaysians to trade in precious metals, thus enhancing national wealth.

"People will be able to trade physical gold bullion more freely and with minimal restrictions from the government.

Ng pointed out that everybody recognises the value of gold but not all look at it as a precious commodity or as an alternative investment to stocks, properties, fixed deposits, or even unit trusts.

Gold, he said, offers more liquidity and unlike property investment, does not involve a large sum of money or having to go through legal processes and filling in various forms.

"At Public Gold, we practise a transparent business model whereby we solely buy and sell physical gold and silver bars without deceiving our customers with unrealistic offers," he said.

According to Ng, precious metals in the form of a bar, ingot, wafer or coin that meet the following criteria should be exempted from GST: gold of at least 99.5 per cent purity, silver of at least 99.9 per cent purity or platinum of at least 99.5 per cent purity.



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