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28 August 2014 - Is this good time to invest in gold?

28 August 2014 - Is this good time to invest in gold?

28 August 2014 - Is this good time to invest in gold?

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 03:12 AM PDT


Adhil Shetty

A common dilemma almost every investor faces at some point or the other is the timing of his or her investing in the precious yellow metal. This is because, 'buy low, sell high' remains the fundamental mantra of all investments including gold.

With gold acting as both an investment as well as an insurance product against falling equity prices countering any massive lows and recession periods, investment in gold is always given due thought by each investor. Gold prices have eased off in recent months after the formation of a new government bringing in positive sentiment back to the stock market. With investors who had parked their funds in gold pre election returning to the equity markets, gold prices have cooled off substantially. So does that make it a right time to invest in gold?

With gold import restrictions still in place, gold prices are unlikely to fall to a great extent. However the government has ensured that there is a positive market sentiment with relaxation of gold import norms.

Good time to buy physical gold jewellery:

With prices of gold declining steadily, most experts believe that this could be the right window of opportunity to buy physical gold. For those seeking to buy gold jewellery for their personal use or for marriage, this is a good time to buy gold. However it is not the right time to exchange old gold jewellery as opting for fresh purchase makes more sense.

Change in gold import duty unlikely:

Amid active speculation that the finance minster would announce a reduction in import duty on gold norms set by the previous government in reality import duties were left unchanged. The finance ministry has made it clear that it has no proposal to lower customs duty on gold from the current 10 per cent unless the current account deficit lowers substantially. The downside of such a decision is that gold would continue to enjoy a premium asset pedestal in the country making it costlier than various international markets. The high import duty in gold has also increased the number of cases for gold smuggling in the country.

Gold ETFs and long term capital gain tax:

There were high expectations from the finance minister Arun Jaitley to reduce gold import duty but an increase in long term capital gain tax was the last thing on the mind of investors. The increase in capital gain tax on non equity mutual funds from the current 10% to 20% from July 2014 is likely to directly impact gold exchange traded funds and other gold saving funds.

RBI eases import norms:

The good news for many investors as well as retail buyers is that gold prices are likely to cool off in the near future even further as the government has announced relaxation of import norms. The Reserve Bank of India has allowed certain trading houses to import gold apart from permitted banks under a 20:80 division rule. Under the new guidelines, the importer will have to make sure that least one-fifth (20%) of every lot of imported gold is exclusively made available for the exports while the remaining can be used for the domestic market. The new norms have made gold import companies hopeful that the government is likely to provide a positive impetus as current account deficit declines even further.

Look to invest long term:

Gold as a fundamental investment product has given good returns for long term players. The lack of a directional policy in import duty would mean gold prices are going to remain in a suspended animation state whereby any sudden rise or decline remains unlikely.


28 August 2014 - Gold Edges Higher as Equities Pause

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 03:09 AM PDT


Gold prices rose towards $1,285 an ounce on Wednesday, recovering further from the previous week's two-month low, as stocks took a breather after a 2-1/2 week rally and the dollar index retreated from 13-month highs.

Spot gold was up 0.3 percent at $1,284.90 an ounce at 1141 GMT, extending a recovery from last week's low at $1,273.06, while U.S. gold futures for December delivery were up 70 cents an ounce at $1,285.90.

Soft German economic data and corporate results helped arrest a rally in stocks, which had climbed 6 percent since Aug. 8, while the dollar index eased 0.2 percent after hitting its highest in more than a year in earlier trade.

"The dollar looks strong, but very overbought," Saxo Bank's head of commodity research Ole Hansen said. "Short term, I think gold could build a bit further on the rejection at 1271, looking for a move back up towards 1296 or even 1302, but not higher."

The euro edged off its lowest point in almost a year on Wednesday as Germany's finance minister played down speculation over more European Central Bank (ECB) monetary policy easing in the coming months.

ECB President Mario Draghi's call last week for more action on both the monetary and fiscal fronts has markets wagering that fresh steps could come as soon as next week, when the central bank's governing council meets.

A measure of German consumer sentiment showed its biggest drop in more than three years on Wednesday, while the impact of the Ukrainian crisis and tensions between the West and Moscow were visible in European company results.


Traders reported some gold buying overnight in Asia, the leading market for physical gold, but volumes remained light.

"The market is still very cautious. The physical side is not as good as in the previous month and even last year," said Brian Lan, managing director of retailer GoldSilver Central Pte Ltd in Singapore.

Holdings of the SPDR Gold Trust, the world's largest gold-backed exchange-traded fund and a gauge of investor demand, fell 0.4 percent to 797.09 tonnes on Monday from 800.08 tonnes on Friday.

Among other precious metals, silver was up 0.2 percent at $19.37 an ounce, while spot platinum was up 0.6 percent at $1,418.74 an ounce, and spot palladium was up 0.2 percent at $883 an ounce.

Exchange-traded funds backed by palladium showed significant outflows. Data on Tuesday from ETF Securities showed holdings of its UK-listed palladium exchange-traded product fell by 120,625 ounces, or 45 percent of its London-vaulted reserves.

"Palladium has had the benefit of willing buyers prepared to step forward all year; and those willing buyers must have stepped forward again to absorb this ETF selling," UBS said in a note. "Otherwise, 120,000 ounces of palladium selling - a very sizeable volume - would have been acutely reflected in the price."


28 August 2014 - Harga Emas Berkilau Kembali

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 02:46 AM PDT

From:, New York - Harga emas dunia naik pada perdagangan Rabu (27/8/2014) ini, didorong penguatan dolar yang sedikit mereda dan membuat investor kembali menggantungkan diri pada stimulus Eropa dan penguatan ekonomi AS yang ditopang laporan data yang membaik.

Harga emas di pasar spot emas mencapai level tinggi US$ 1.290,80 per ounce pada awal perdagangan. Kontrak kemudian naik 0,6 persen menjadi US$ 1.283,57 per ounce, melansir laman Reuters.

Sementara harga emas berjangka untuk kontrak Desember ditutup naik US$ 6,30 atau 0,5 persen menjadi US$ 1.285,20 per ounce.

Penguatan dolar membuat komoditas yang diperdagangkan dalam dolar menjadi lebih mahal untuk pemegang mata uang lainnya.

"Rally dolar telah mulai terkikis, itu telah membantu emas keluar sedikit," kata Stephen Platt, Analis pialang berjangka Archer Financial Services.

Kekhawatiran atas risiko geopolitik karena ketegangan antara Rusia dan Ukraina, serta kekerasan di Timur Tengah ikut mendukung. Sebab emas biasanya dilihat sebagai asuransi terhadap risiko keuangan dan politik. (Nrm)


28 August 2014 - 俄罗斯及周边贸易伙伴持续增持黄金

Posted: 28 Aug 2014 02:04 AM PDT



国际货币基金组织[微博](IMF[微博])最新数据显示,今年7月俄罗斯将其黄金(1289.50, 6.10, 0.48%)储备增加至3550万盎司,也就是1104吨。












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