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Buying Gold | Buying gold and silver now makes more sense than chasing stocks ... | News2Gold

Buying Gold | <b>Buying gold</b> and silver now makes more sense than chasing stocks <b>...</b> | News2Gold

<b>Buying gold</b> and silver now makes more sense than chasing stocks <b>...</b>

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 12:28 AM PDT

Posted on 09 August 2014 with no comments from readers

Gold and silver have outperformed stocks so far this year and have a lot further to go as equities hit a wall of fast deteriorating geopolitics and weakening economies as we progress into the autumn.

Do you buy high and sell low? No. So why would you buy stocks close to all-time highs when you can still pick up gold and silver at a respective discount of 30 and 60 per cent off their 2011 highs?

Bargain prices

Would you rather not buy low and then be able to sell high later? It's a fairly simple logic but then markets are no more than scales weighing supply against demand.

What will encourage demand for gold and silver to pick up again? Real assets like precious metals are a safe haven in times of trouble with no third party involved or the central banks. They are money that central banks cannot print, and what do you think they will do if financial markets tumble?

Why should they fall from current near record heights? Apart from gravitational forces you have something called economic fundamentals, i.e. oil prices. We saw what happened when oil hit $147 a barrel in 2008. It brought the whole house of cards down.

Overvalued financial markets and associated assets are in the same position again today. Don't believe the nonsense about the Islamic State now growing like a cancer inside Iraq. It is not benign. It's malignant and Baghdad is the next target and then the southern oil fields are a doozy.

Where we go to then is anybody's guess. The Islamic State could attack Kuwait like Saddam Hussein as another easy target, or it could become embroiled in a second Iraq-Iran War. Eventually the US and its allies will have to put boots back on the ground.

Trade war

Meanwhile, the trade war developing over the Ukraine and a possible imminent invasion by Russian 'peacekeepers' is also bad for energy prices and global business. It's destabilizing and reminiscent of the breakdown of global trade in the 1930s before the Second World War.

Global financial markets have become excessively complacent after such a long run up without a correction. Things have been going so well that they can't possibly fail can they? Anybody who knows anything about market cycles must recognize such over-confidence as pride coming before a fall.

Buying gold and silver today makes sense because by prices will soar as this geopolitical conflagration plays out and prices are cheap now. Equities will go in the other direction.

John Hathaway Recommends <b>Buying Gold</b> Like It&#39;s 1999 Again <b>...</b>

Posted: 04 Aug 2014 02:57 PM PDT

In this interview by The Gold Report, portfolio managers Johny Hathaway and his partner Doug Groh share their view on the precious metals market. They also explain how they are investing in the metals right now.

John Hathaway explains how the gold futures chart is showing that we are in the process of a reverse head-and-shoulders pattern, a sign of a bottom and exhaustion of downward momentum. This bottom will be confirmed when gold trades above $1,400/ounce. It's shaping up to be a bottom, although it could be tested over the summer. Chart courtesy: International Strategy & Investment Group LLC.
gold price 2011 July 2014 investing

Are statistics on money flows telling you that investors are starting to get interested again?

Hathaway: Yes. If we look at the SPDR Gold Shares Exchange-Traded Fund (GLD:NYSE), which is one proxy for money flows into the gold space, the outflows that have been predominant over the last couple of years have pretty much run their course. Now, we're starting to see assets build in the SPDR Gold Shares ETF. At Tocqueville, our fund has seen steady inflows all year, in some cases, very substantial inflows. I don't know if what we're seeing is comparable to other managers in the precious metals space, but our experience this year has been positive . Chart courtesy: MeridianMacro

gld gold holding July 2014 investing

Conflicts in the Ukraine, Iraq and Gaza have bumped gold prices lately. Can these events act as long-term fundamental supports or do they represent short-term volatility that will fade fast?

Hathaway: Anything geopolitical always has a knee-jerk impact. I would never recommend gold based on today's headlines, yesterday's headlines or speculation about future headlines. Having said that, geopolitical issues away from the headlines influence the demand for gold. Europeans are probably more conscious of gold today than they might have been six months ago. People want to get their wealth in a safe place. That will reinforce demand for gold as time goes by.

What were gold's fundamentals in 1999?

Hathaway: Fifteen years ago, we were at the end of a 20-year bear market, so the psychology was very negative. Gold was never mentioned in polite discussions. We're not that different today from where we were then. Considering the drop from a high of $1,900/oz to slightly less than $1,200/oz, that's a pretty big decline in the space of two and a half years. That makes the setup similar to what we experienced in 1999. Back then, the markets were flush with optimism, and I would say that's the case today. I think there are many parallels.

One unique thing that is happening right now is that the mining share valuations seem to be leading commodity prices. How comes?

Hathaway: It's not an ironclad relationship, but when the shares outperform the metal, which they've done this year and by a fairly substantial amount, that's generally a favorable setup for a better phase in the gold market. In 2011, the opposite occurred. Gold reached a new high and was in the headlines in every newspaper on the planet, yet the shares were conspicuous by their underperformance. That was a sign that the shares were not confirming the new highs in gold, and we've seen the result. A lack of confirmation between the shares and the metal prices can sometimes indicate the future direction of the gold price, or vice versa, of the share prices.

QE never did seem to weigh down the dollar. Are investors on the sidelines waiting for the impact of liquidity to buy gold?

Hathaway: I think the rationale for owning gold is as strong as ever. Radical monetary policy probably won't end well and any thinking person should be concerned about it. That's why we believe you need to have some exposure to gold. Markets today are over-exuberant: pumped up equity valuations, nonexistent spreads between quality and junk, record issuance of low-grade paper, all of these things are typically indicative of an endgame in financial assets. Gold is not at that party. It's conspicuous by its absence. In our view, it's pretty hard to say that anything represents value these days except precious metals. Gold is wealth insurance.

When we started the Tocqueville Gold Fund (TGLDX) in 1998, we all said, "If this works, we'll be glad we did and if it doesn't work, everything else we're doing will be successful, rewarding and profitable." As it turned out, gold was a terrific thing to be in from 1998 through 2011. And we believe it will be again.

What words of wisdom do you have for investors who may have been in the gold space over the last three years or are just thinking about getting back into it?

Groh: We believe that investors should consider gold and gold exposure as an alternative asset class and as part of an overall portfolio. While there are attractive values in the gold space, investors should think about having broad exposure to the gold sector, whether it's through bullion, mining companies in different stages of development, or producers. Each avenue carries different opportunities and risks. That is why a group of precious metals stocks mixed with an exchange-traded fund or a gold mutual fund like the Tocqueville Gold Fund can serve an investor better than having just one name.

Additionally, I would recommend that investors average their investment over time instead of buying all at once. The gold price is volatile and it's very difficult to get the low points. Averaging over time when the price dips can help financially and mentally even out the ups and downs.

Finally, consider gold as a very long-term investment, not just a two- or three-year investment. We believe it should be a permanent part of an overall portfolio as a non-correlated asset. It doesn't really have counterparty risk and it trades to a different type of profile than other financial instruments. That's why we recommend having a portion of a portfolio allocated to gold and gold mining equities.

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