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29 August 2014 - Harga Emas Naik Didorong Memanasnya Kembali Geopolitik di Ukraina

29 August 2014 - Harga Emas Naik Didorong Memanasnya Kembali Geopolitik di Ukraina

29 August 2014 - Harga Emas Naik Didorong Memanasnya Kembali Geopolitik di Ukraina

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 03:32 AM PDT

From:, New York - Harga emas dunia kembali berkilau pada Jumat pagi ini dipicu kembali membaiknya minat investor terhadap safe haven ini. Pemicunya juga karena kembali memanasnya geopolitik di Ukraina.

Ini setelah beberapa data ekonomi AS yang lebih baik memang mendorong harga emas dari level tertingginya.

Melansir laman, harga emas Comex untuk pengiriman Desember naik US$ 7,50 menjadi US$ 1,290.90 per ounce. Harga spot emas terakhir dikutip naik US$ 7,40 menjadi US$ 1,290.50.

Sementara di London, harga emas juga membaik menjadi US$ 1.292 per ounce dari sebelumnya US$ 1.288 per ounce.

Itu adalah risiko menyusul laporan Presiden Ukraina yanng mengatakan militer Rusia telah menyerang negaranya dan menduduki Kota Ukraina dan desa di Timur.

Selain itu adapula laporan yang mengatakan terjadinya pertempuran yang sedang berlangsung antara Rusia dan Ukraina. Namun seorang pejabat Rusia membantah jika tentara Rusia kini berada di Ukraina Timur.

Emas, US Treasuries dan indeks dolar AS kembali menguat dengan adanya berita ini. Sementara itu, pasar saham dunia yang melihat beberapa tekanan jual anjlok di pasar.

Sudah seminggu perdagangan emas tenang, menuju ke hari ketiga hari Hari Buruh AS yang merupakan hari libur akhir pekan.

Sekarang, dengan ketegangan geopolitik meningkat, bisa membuat hal tak terduga akhir pekan ini sebab akan banyak pedagang dan investor mengambil tindakan dua sesi perdagangan berikutnya untuk mengurangi eksposur risiko mereka di pasar.(Nrm)


29 August 2014 - Gold jewellery demand in India improves - Holmes

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 03:30 AM PDT


Author: Frank Holmes


Those who root for gold root for India. Despite a welcome June rally, it's been a rocky second quarter for the world's second-largest consumer of the metal, with demand down 18 percent compared to last year.

But consumer appetite seems to be on the upswing following a tepid July. Gold premiums rose to between $10 and $13 a troy ounce this month, compared to zero last month. Such premiums are good indicators that buyers are willing to spend more on gold jewelry and other forms of bullion.

That premiums have risen also suggests that Indians are making their gold purchases ahead of Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, a traditional time to participate in what I call the Love Trade. This year Diwali begins on October 23.

Other global celebrations and events that trigger the Love Trade include the Indian wedding season, the Chinese New Year, Ramadan and, of course, Christmas.

Challenges Affecting Demand

Government policy and temperamental weather are mostly to blame for gold's less-than-satisfactory performance in India.

The recent election of Narendra Modi, who rules the pro-business Bharatiya Janata Party, had the global market hoping he would remove gold import duties. Unfortunately, the duty remained unchanged in the new government's July budget. It's my hope that the Modi administration will rethink this policy and ease the restrictions.

A slow start to the annual four-month monsoon season, beginning in June, also affected sales. Much of the country's gold demand comes from rural households, especially farmers, whose summer crops depend on monsoon rains. Rural Indian households typically devote between 7 and 8 percent of their income on gold, but disappointing crop yields have no doubt cost them earnings.

A Golden Heritage

As it does in many other cultures, gold has a rich tradition in India, where people have been wearing gold jewelry for about 4,000 years. In ancient Hindu epics such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, gold is associated with godliness and kingliness, a sentiment millions of Indians still harbor to this day.

A 2012 World Gold Council survey, the results of which are shown below, stresses the high level of importance Indians place on the metal—as a financial asset, fashion accessory and cultural identifier.

The rupee gold price might have risen 320 percent in the last 10 years, but because gold plays such a vital role in the country's heritage, appetite for the yellow metal remains robust.


29 August 2014 - Safe-Haven Demand Boosts Gold as Russia-Ukraine Tensions Rising

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 03:29 AM PDT


(Kitco News) - Gold prices are higher in early U.S. trading Thursday, on safe-haven buying interest, short covering and perceived bargain hunting. Geopolitics is back on the front burner of the market place as a three-day U.S. holiday weekend approaches. December Comex gold was last up $11.00 at $1,294.40 an ounce. Spot gold was last quoted up $10.90 at $1,294.00. December Comex silver last traded up $0.32 at $19.795 an ounce.

It's a "risk-off" day in the market place Thursday following reports the Ukrainian president said the Russian military has invaded his country and is occupying eastern Ukraine towns and villages. There is reportedly ongoing fighting between the Russian and Ukraine armies. A Russian official denied that Russian troops are in eastern Ukraine.

Gold, U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. dollar index are all supported on safe-haven demand amid this news. Meantime, world stock markets are seeing selling pressure from the keener risk aversion in the market place Thursday.

It had been a subdued trading week, on this unofficial last week of summer, heading into the three-day U.S. Labor Day holiday weekend. Now, with geopolitical tensions rising, the three-day weekend and all that could happen in world hotspots during that time, many traders and investors will take action the next two trading sessions to reduce their risk exposure in the market place.

There is also important U.S. economic data due for release Thursday, including the weekly jobless claims report, the second-quarter gross domestic product report, pending home sales, and the Kansas City Fed manufacturing survey.

Wyckoff's Daily Risk Rating: 7.5 (The market place is now focused on the tensions between Russia and Ukraine, heading into a long U.S. holiday weekend.)

(Wyckoff's Daily Risk Rating is your way to quickly gauge investor risk appetite in the world market place each day. Each day I assess the "risk-on" or "risk-off" trader mentality in the market place with a numerical reading of 1 to 10, with 1 being least risk-averse (most risk-on) and 10 being the most risk-averse (risk-off), and 5 being neutral.

The London A.M. gold fix is $1,288.00 versus the previous P.M. fixing of $1,282.75.

Technically, gold bears still have the slight overall near-term technical advantage as a seven-week-old downtrend is still in place on the daily bar chart. The gold bulls' next upside near-term price breakout objective is to produce a close above solid technical resistance at $1,300.00. Bears' next near-term downside breakout price objective is closing prices below solid technical support at the August low of $1,273.40. First resistance is seen at the overnight high of $1,296.40 and then at $1,300.00. First support is seen at the overnight low of $1,283.00 and then at $1,273.40.

December silver futures bears still have the near-term technical advantage. However, a seven-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart has been negated with Thursday's solid gains. Silver bulls' next upside price breakout objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $20.00 an ounce. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the August low of $19.355. First resistance is seen at the overnight high of $19.95 and then at $20.00. Next support is seen at $19.65 and then at the overnight low of $19.47.


29 August 2014 - 千足金纯度命名被剔除 黄金饰品今后统称“足金”

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 03:26 AM PDT









马上就访 名称统一 消费者更容易听懂



白领张小姐也表示,虽然修改后黄金纯度的名称可能会比较长,却能让人一目了然,"就算第一次买黄金饰品的人也能看懂什么意思,这样挺好的。"(记者 平影影)


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