24 July 2014 - Jelang Lebaran, Toko Emas Dijubeli Pembeli |
- 24 July 2014 - Jelang Lebaran, Toko Emas Dijubeli Pembeli
- 24 July 2014 - Tapering Is Bullish For Gold
- 24 July 2014 - Gold will continue to be headline driven
- 24 July 2014 - 新加坡9月推全球性黄金实物合约
24 July 2014 - Jelang Lebaran, Toko Emas Dijubeli Pembeli Posted: 24 Jul 2014 08:57 AM PDT From:http://www.tempo.co/read/news/2014/07/21/090594565/Jelang-Lebaran-Toko-Emas-Dijubeli-Pembeli SENIN, 21 JULI 2014 | 08:22 WIB TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Aktivitas jual beli emas mencapai puncaknya pada sepekan menjelang Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Berdasarkan pantauan Tempo, masyarakat terlihat berkerumun dan berdesak-desakan di belasan toko emas yang berada di lantai dasar area pusat perbelanjaan Robinson, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. "Pengunjung di tiga hari terakhir memang naik sekitar dua sampai tiga kali lipat," kata Sita Nursanti, pemilik toko emas Sumber Raya kepada Tempo, Ahad, 20 Juli 2014. Sita menyebut nilai transaksi jual dan beli emas di tokonya pada saat puncak penjualan pekan ini mencapai Rp 100 juta per harinya. Namun, transaksi yang lebih banyak terjadi adalah masyarakat yang menjual emas. "Mungkin mereka butuh buat Lebaran. Apalagi juga bertepatan dengan masa anak-anak masuk sekolah," ujar Sita. Suhartini, pengunjung yang datang untuk menjual emasnya, mengatakan kebutuhan keluarganya menjelang Lebaran ini memang meningkat. "Harus bayar uang sekolah buat anak saya yang baru masuk tahun ini, juga beli baju Lebaran. Jadi, terpaksa menjual gelang saya ini," tutur ibu dua anak ini. Meningkatnya transaksi jual beli emas juga disertai dengan berbagai promosi. Salah satunya terlihat di Toko Mas Sinanjung Jaya yang memberi sebotol sirup gratis secara cuma-cuma bagi pelanggan yang bertransaksi di atas Rp 500 ribu. "Selain promosi, juga karena ingin berbagi rezeki jelang Lebaran ini," kata Eddi Santoso, pemilik toko emas tersebut. Source:http://www.tempo.co/read/news/2014/07/21/090594565/Jelang-Lebaran-Toko-Emas-Dijubeli-Pembeli |
24 July 2014 - Tapering Is Bullish For Gold Posted: 24 Jul 2014 08:56 AM PDT From:http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1406124807.php Wednesday, 23 July 2014 By John Manfreda I wanted to address tapering, an end to monetary stimulus, and what it means for gold. In 2013 the price of Gold suffered its worst year since 1981. The general consensus on why gold crashed was because of the Fed's forward guidance stating the US economy is on the verge of recovery, with government data supporting an economic recovery, which will ultimately lead to the end of monetary stimulus, followed by interest rate normalization. In terms of fundamentals, none of the fundamentals that lead to a rise in gold from 2003-2011 have changed. When stating this, most people would think I'm crazy, partially because I am ;), but mainly because when one invested in gold, the decision was made because the Fed was printing money, and that the price of gold would rise because of the continuous injection of monetary stimulus. But what those people forget is that Gold is money, and the reason the US is printing money is because it's insolvent. If interest rates were to rise to a fair market value, the interest on government debt would greatly exceed government revenue, thus leading to a national default on its financial obligations. That is why analyst have said if you believe in math buy gold. I will admit if the Fed stopped easing, printing money, providing monetary accommodation, whatever you want to call it, that would cause a knee jerk reaction, and create selling pressure, thus reducing the spot price of precious metals. But the reality is, if they completely ended stimulus, slowly at a gradual pace, or quickly, interest rates would inevitably spike, thus causing sovereign debt crisis, which will ultimately lead to a default in the US treasuries market. This would then create a mad panic rush into monetary alternatives to the US dollar, and the strongest alternative to fiat currencies for the past 5,000 years was, is, and most likely always will be, Precious Metals. I admit I don't think the Fed will end stimulus, in fact I believe they will reverse the tapering, or come out with a much larger stimulus program in the future; but even if they ended stimulus, the gold fundamentals are still strong because of all the debt in the system, and because it is an alternative to the paper money system we are presently stuck in. |
24 July 2014 - Gold will continue to be headline driven Posted: 24 Jul 2014 08:55 AM PDT From:http://news.sharpspixley.com/article/gold-will-continue-to-be-headline-driven/206390/ Gold prices were weaker in trade on Tuesday as stronger stocks took some of the wind out of the yellow metals' sails. Despite all that is currently going on in the geopolitical landscape, it appears that risk appetite still remains relatively high, and this will likely work against gold and precious metals. There has been a lot of talk recently about a potential top in the stock market, but the equities markets have shown that they are not going to go quietly. In addition to a stronger stock market, gold had to contend with a stronger dollar index as well. It is worth noting that gold did close well of the session's lows. It would seem important at this point for the gold bulls to be able to hold the psychologically important $1300 level. Should the bulls fail to hold the line in the sand here, it could pave the way for additional selling pressure in the yellow metal as stops are run and more speculators hit the exits. One has to also wonder about gold's inability to thus far move significantly higher given the current geopolitical tensions. Gold has appeared comfortable in its current trading range, however it also appears that the market may be coiling up for a sharp directional move. The direction has yet to be determined. Gold will likely continue to be headline driven for the foreseeable future, and may also take cues from the equities markets as well as the greenback. Gold investors will likely watch the current divergence between small caps and larger equities for signs of a market top, and may reallocate funds to gold should the stock market begin to show more signs of turning lower. Source:http://news.sharpspixley.com/article/gold-will-continue-to-be-headline-driven/206390/ |
24 July 2014 - 新加坡9月推全球性黄金实物合约 Posted: 24 Jul 2014 08:51 AM PDT From:http://gold.hexun.com/2014-07-24/166922592.html 2014-07-24 01:11:01 来源:21世纪经济报道 作者:朱丽娜 黄金作为世界上金融属性最强的大宗商品,一直以来定价权的中心都在纽约和伦敦。然而近年来随着亚洲市场黄金交易量和消费量的飙升,亚洲各大交易所之间正酝酿着一场激烈的黄金定价权之争。 新加坡证券交易所(下称"新交所")计划将于9月推出以批发25公斤金条为主体的全球首个实物黄金合约。该合约纯度达99.99的全球性黄金合约,将由六个每日合约组成一个系列,从而为亚洲地区的实物黄金用户提供更透明的黄金批发价格。 "推出全球首个实物黄金合约是新加坡政府打造贵金属交易中心计划的重要组成部分,新加坡拥有独特的区位优势来发展黄金交易。"新交所总裁Muthukrishnan Ramawswami在接受21世纪经济报道独家专访时表示,并指出该合约主要针对新加坡本地和东南亚市场,与亚洲其他交易所将形成"错位竞争"。 他透露,新加坡政府近年来一直积极部署,在过去两年中通过取消黄金征税吸引黄金冶炼商、建立仓储设施等,为建立黄金交易中心奠定了仓储、精炼、交易三大重要基础。 亚洲目前已在全球黄金生产和消费领域占据主导地位。根据世界黄金协会的数据显示,亚洲去年消费的黄金珠宝、金条和金币占据全球消费总量的63%。但目前亚洲市场实物黄金的供应,尤其是大公斤金条的供应还未形成一个公开透明并具规模的交易市场。 目前亚洲现货黄金交易主要参考伦敦金银市场协会(LBMA)的内盘定价,然而这个运作长达一个世纪之久的内盘定价机制的受操纵丑闻广为市场关注,因此亚洲市场的参与者们迫切需要一个更加公开、透明的现货黄金定价体系。 打造黄金生态体系 《21世纪》:新交所推出这个实物黄金合约有哪些具体的考虑? Ramawswami:这次计划推出的实物黄金公斤条合约,具体是由新交所牵头,其他参与方包括世界黄金协会、新加坡黄金市场协会(SBMA)以及新加坡国际企业发展局。这是新加坡政府近年来一直努力打造本地贵金属交易中心的重要组成部分。黄金在贵金属交易中的影响力不言而喻。 新加坡拥有良好的地理优势,相比现有的黄金定价中心,更加靠近亚洲地区的买方和卖方,这为新加坡发展黄金产业和黄金批发市场奠定了良好的产业基础。然而新加坡作为一个黄金市场的"中立方",既不是黄金的生产区也不是黄金的主要消费区,这有利于创造一个公平积极的市场环境。我们相信即将推出的实物黄金合约将会为东南亚的黄金市场创造更多的流动性和发展机遇。 《21世纪》:新加坡政府在创建本地贵金属交易中心方面之前有哪些具体的准备? Ramawswami:为了将新加坡打造成为一个贵金属交易中心,早在2012年10月,新加坡政府就宣布豁免投资级的黄金、白银和白金的消费税,但这些黄金、白银和白金的冶炼商必须通过伦敦金银业市场协会的认证,此举大大促进了新加坡的黄金贸易。此外,新加坡政府在2010年设立的新加坡自由港,推出最领先的贵金属仓储服务设施,并且吸引了多家国际投行在新加坡推出了黄金仓储服务。 这次计划推出的实物黄金合约将形成一个新加坡实物黄金基准价格,有助于发挥新加坡现有的物流仓储配套,从而形成一个完整的黄金生态系统。 《21世纪》:目前新交所推出这个实物黄金合约的准备工作进展如何? Ramawswami:新交所拥有一个高效的产品拓展架构体系和操作规范,覆盖交易所目前所有的产品。即将推出的这个实物黄金合约也会按照这个产品发展体系的规定来进行,确保在推出前所有的准备工作就绪。其中包括潜在客户的参与、系统测试、清算会员的安排,以及获得新加坡金融管理局(MAS)的正式批准等。 此外,我们制定了严格的黄金交割标准,该合约交付的黄金必须是直接从被认可的炼金商采购,并存放在被认可的金库中,以确保整个黄金储藏、包装、运送的各个环节都符合规范。 定位黄金批发市场 《21世纪》:该实物黄金合约与现有的黄金产品的区别有哪些?产品定位的目标客户群体是哪些? Ramawswami:这个黄金合约是首个以批发25公斤金条为主体的全球性合约,将由六个每日合约组成一个系列。这将成为全世界首个和期货合约一样在交易所上市,但可以每日现货交割的黄金产品。产品的设计主要是为了迎合亚洲交易时区的批发市场参与者。 合约主要针对新加坡和东南亚的黄金批发市场,主要潜在客户包括储金银行、冶炼商、区域央行、珠宝商和私人银行客户等。 《21世纪》:目前新交所对该实物黄金合约在做市商方面的安排如何? Ramawswami:新加坡黄金市场协会已经安排了四家储金银行,包括摩根大通、渣打银行、南非标准银行以及加拿大丰业银行参与这个实物黄金合约,他们的角色主要是作为做市商以及代理商。 《21世纪》:即将推出的实物黄金合约的具体细则及对整个黄金价格发现将会带来哪些影响? Ramawswami:这个合约是在新交所交易的公开平台上集中清算的,任何的市场参与者都可以根据交易所提供的实时价格和成交数据来进行交易。该实物黄金合约价格将以美元计价,并不设置上下波动限制,正常交易时段起自8:30直至11:25,外加开盘前后各5分钟,剩余头寸须实物交割,否则将通过现金结算,并在交易所集中清算。 这个产品及时响应了市场上对黄金现货基准价格更加透明化的要求,实物交割的模式会为金条交易创造一个更加透明和有效的市场。新交所在其中一个独立的撮合交易和清算机构的角色。(编辑 于晓娜) |
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