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Spot Chart | Silver Chart And Sentiment Show Potentially Very Sharp Rally | Gold ... | News2Gold

Spot Chart | Silver <b>Chart</b> And Sentiment Show Potentially Very Sharp Rally | <b>Gold</b> <b>...</b> | News2Gold

Silver <b>Chart</b> And Sentiment Show Potentially Very Sharp Rally | <b>Gold</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 02:38 PM PDT

There is an extremely interesting development brewing in the silver market. Chances are high this will turn out bullish, although one should not exclude a bearish outcome.

Silver (and gold) forecasts in 2014 have been rather unanimously bearish or neutral, with only a minor number of analysts being positive. Longer term, we could expect better returns for the metals, for instance by analyzing the long term silver cycle reaching new highs in 2016.

On the near term, two important indicators are flashing a potential key reversal, at least for the short and mid term. First, sentiment is at an important pivot point. Second, the long term silver chart seems to be accomplishing ("resolving") a multi year chart pattern. Let's review both in this article.

Silver sentiment

This is an excerpt from last week's Sentimentrader's analysis (subscribe here):

Pessimism in a bear market has to reach a whole other level than pessimism in a bull market in order to consistently generate positive returns going forward. Since silver has been mired in a bear market for at least a year, we've been looking for true historic extremes in pessimism. It's getting there.

The latest data show that large speculators are net short silver futures to the greatest degree in a decade. At the same time, Public Opinion has dropped below 25%, one of the lowest readings since 1990.

The green highlights on the chart show the other times that both indicators were as extreme as they are now at the same time. All three led to at least a short-term bump in silver, but only the occurrence in 1997 led to a lasting rally of at least several months. In 2000, silver just kept dripping lower until finally the selling pressure abated and it ignited the massive bull market. In June 2013, the extremes saw silver climb more than 25% over the next couple of months, but obviously that rally failed.

It's time to pay attention and start looking for reversal patterns in price.

silver sentiment June 2014 price

silver sentiment in June 2014 at an important pivot point

Chart pattern

From a chart point of view, it seems clear that silver is ready to start trending. It is impossible to predict in which direction. Given the above and the multiyear chart formation which has set a solid base going back to 2009, it is very likely that the trend will be up. Very close attention should be paid at price action in the coming days and weeks, as nobody can exclude a bearish outcome. The key area to watch is $20 per ounce silver. If that level were to give away, then we are about to experience fireworks in the metals. Chart courtesy:

silver price daily chart 2009 June 2014 price

Silver price chart from 2009 till June 2014

silver price daily chart 2012 June 2014 price

Silver price chart from 2012 till June 2014

A five year chart formation carries a lot of power. On the shorter timeframe (second chart) there is a first sign of a breakout, or, at least, a serious attempt. The same chart reveals that $19.50 is the key price level. It is safe to consider $20 as the key breakout area. Once breached, it is important to note that the silver price should stay there for at least 3 days and, in case it would retest $20, that it stays above it.

<b>CHART</b>: Iraq chaos lifts <b>gold</b> price - still cheap vs oil |

Posted: 12 Jun 2014 04:23 PM PDT

CHART: Iraq chaos lifts gold price - still cheap vs oil

The gold price extended gains in after hours trade on Thursday as Iraq's descent into chaos prompted the return of safe haven buying.

On the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold futures for August delivery reached $1,275.10 an ounce, up $14 from Wednesday's trading session and the highest since May 23.

Gold and silver were standouts on a day when other metals were tanking.

With the turmoil in Ukraine fading from the headlines, gold's status as a hard asset and storer of wealth in times of trouble lost some of its shine.

But as Iraq spirals into all-out war and the US looks in danger of being pulled back into a conflict it has spent the last six years extricating itself from, gold is finding favour again.

The situation in the Middle Eastern country has deteriorated at a remarkably fast pace.

Yesterday Sunni militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, seized the northern cities of Mosul and Tikrit, and now the capital Baghdad appears to be under threat as the Iraqi army falls to pieces.

Already observers are talking about the possible break-up of the oil-rich country and regional players becoming involved as the Saudi Arabia-sponsored Sunni militias confront Iran-backed Shia-forces which dominate the current Iraqi government.

Not surprisingly the oil price has been on a tear rising to $106 a barrel, the highest in eight months.

Looking at the ratio between the gold price and the oil price which usually rise in tandem (rising oil prices pushes up inflation increasing demand for gold as a hedge), gold looks undervalued by comparison.

Since 1970 the average ratio – how many barrels of oil can be bought with one ounce of gold – is 15 compared with just under 12 now, which suggests that gold is cheap compared to oil.

The last time the ratio was at 12 was at the height of the global financial crisis in October-November 2008.

CHART: Iraq chaos lifts gold price - still cheap vs oil


Image of IED explosion al Anbar Province, Iraq by jamesdale10

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