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24 June 2014 - Gold to eye on Iraq, Ukraine tensions this week

24 June 2014 - Gold to eye on Iraq, Ukraine tensions this week

24 June 2014 - Gold to eye on Iraq, Ukraine tensions this week

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 03:27 AM PDT


Tuesday, June 24th 11:10 AM IST

Gold will eye on tensions in Iraq and Ukraine this week, said Morgan Stanley. Geopolitical events, which gave gold a big boost last week, will likely continue to determine price direction.

NEW YORK (Bullion Street): Gold will eye on tensions in Iraq and Ukraine this week, said Morgan Stanley. Geopolitical events, which gave gold a big boost last week, will likely continue to determine price direction.

Global gold prices advanced to their highest level since mid-April last week and market participants are keeping a close eye on $1,300 an ounce to see if the metal can stay above this psychologically important level.

"The escalating situation in Iraq has turned a small bounce from support in gold to a fully-fledged turnaround by the start of the week," the firm added.

"Post the FOMC meeting, gold breached upward resistance levels around the $1,280 an ounce mark. It's likely price direction will be dominated by geopolitical events....," said Morgan Stanley.

Traders will continue to monitor events surrounding Ukraine and Iraq.


24 June 2014 - Usai Naik Tajam, Kemana Arah Harga Emas?

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 03:24 AM PDT


Siska Amelie F Deil  20 Jun 2014 14:19, Jakarta Fluktuasi harga emas dikejutkan dengan lompatan cukup tinggi ke level US$ 1.314 per ounce setelah menguat US$ 41,40 atau 3,3 persen di divisi Comex New York Mercantile Exchange. Pada pembukaan pagi ini, harga emas bahkan sempat terdongkrak ke level 1.321 per ounce.

Head of Reseach and Analysis Divison PT Monex Investindo Futures Ariston Tjendra mengatakan, harga emas dapat terus menguat jika level support masih berada di kisaran US$ 1.306 per ounce. Dia mengungkapkan, harga emas dapat berpotensi menguat ke area US$ 1.329-US$ 1.331 per ounce selama kisaran support masih bertengger di level tersebut.

"Sementara pergerakan di bawah US$ 1.306 per ounce, membuka potensi pelemahan ke area support selanjutnya di kisaran US$ 1.297 per ounce," ungkap Ariston seperti dikutip dari keterangan tertulisnya, Jumat (20/6/2014).

Harga emas pada perdagangan pekan ini memang kembali menunjukkan sinarnya dengan mendobrak level di atas US$ 1.300 per ounce. Angka tersebut merupakan level tertinggi sejak 14 April lalu seperti dituntukkan data FactSet.

Sejauh ini, tingginya harga emas masih dipicu kekhawatiran pasar menghadapi rencana pengiriman 300 penasihat militer Amerika Serikat (AS) ke Irak serta sinyal Gubernur Bank Sentral AS (The Fed) Janet Yellen yang menunjukkan sinyal untuk tetap mempertahankan suku bunga acuannya di level rendah.

Dukungan penguatan dari pernyataan Bank Sentral AS diprediksi tidak akan berlangsung lama. Sementara konflik Irak diprediksi akan terus memicu sentimen lindung nilai pada harga emas.


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