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12 June 2014 - P.M. Kitco Roundup: Gold Slightly Up on Short Covering and Mild Safe-Haven Buying

12 June 2014 - P.M. Kitco Roundup: Gold Slightly Up on Short Covering and Mild Safe-Haven Buying

12 June 2014 - P.M. Kitco Roundup: Gold Slightly Up on Short Covering and Mild Safe-Haven Buying

Posted: 12 Jun 2014 03:12 AM PDT


Wednesday June 11, 2014 2:16 PM

(Kitco News) - Gold prices ended the U.S. day session slightly higher Wednesday and hit a two-week high. More short covering and bargain hunting were featured, along with a bit of safe-haven demand. The gold bulls are also gaining some near-term technical momentum. August Comex gold was last up $1.00 at $1,261.10 an ounce. Spot gold was last quoted up $1.00 at $1,261.40. July Comex silver last traded up $0.027 at $19.195 an ounce.

A sell off in the U.S. stock market Wednesday was somewhat beneficial for the gold and silver markets. Escalating violence and instability in Iraq were also mentioned in the market place. Both of these elements provided some mild safe-haven demand for gold. But of the sell off in this very mature bull market run in stocks continues, and if the situation in Iraq deteriorates further, gold will see better safe-haven buying interest.

In overnight news, the World Bank cut its annual world economic growth forecast to 2.8% from its last forecast of up 3.2%, in January. This news was also bullish for the gold market as it hints the world's major central banks can keep their easy-money policies in place at least a while longer.

A feature in the market place recently has been the sinking value of the Euro currency and the rising value of the U.S. dollar. Last week's new monetary stimulus measures from the European Central Bank were a bearish underlying development for the Euro currency, as it hovers near a four-month low. Meantime, the U.S. dollar index is trading near a four-month high. This currency price action has historically been bearish for the raw commodity sector, including gold. However, the gold market has just recently rebounded from lower price levels and Nymex crude oil futures prices are at contract highs around $105.00 a barrel.

The London P.M. gold fix was $1,262.00 versus the previous A.M. fixing of $1,259.50.

Technically, August gold futures prices closed near mid-range and hit another two-week high Wednesday. Gold market bears still have the overall near-term technical advantage. However, the bulls are making a modest move. Prices are still in a three-month-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. The gold bulls' next upside near-term price breakout objective is to produce a close above solid technical resistance at $1,268.50. Bears' next near-term downside breakout price objective is closing prices below solid technical support at last week's low of $1,240.20. First resistance is seen at Wednesday's high of $1,265.50 and then at $1,268.50. First support is seen at Wednesday's low of $1,257.90 and then at $1,250.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 3.0

July silver futures prices closed nearer the session low and did hit another two-week high early on. Tepid short covering was featured. The silver bears still have the firm overall near-term technical advantage. However, the silver bulls are also making a modest move. Prices are still in a 3.5-month-old downtrend on the daily bar chart. Silver bulls' next upside price breakout objective is closing prices above solid technical resistance at $19.50 an ounce. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at the contract low of $18.615. First resistance is seen at Wednesday's high of $19.33 and then at $19.50. Next support is seen at this week's low of $18.97 and then at $18.75. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 2.5.

July N.Y. copper closed down 125 points at 304.05 cents Wednesday. Prices closed nearer the session low. Copper bears have the overall near-term technical advantage. Copper bulls' next upside breakout objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at 312.50 cents. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at 300.00 cents. First resistance is seen at 305.00 cents and then at Wednesday's high of 307.00 cents. First support is seen at this week's low of 301.85 cents and then at 300.00 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 4.0.


12 June 2014 - 世界黄金协会:实物需求支撑金价 黄金5年内或再创新高

Posted: 12 Jun 2014 03:08 AM PDT


2014-06-12 08:35:00 来源:华尔街见闻


世界黄金协会投资策略总经理Marcus Grubb,中国仍然是全球最大黄金消费国,同时一旦进口关税下调,印度的黄金需求就将出现反弹,这可能会发生在9月或10月。



世界黄金协会投资策略总经理Marcus Grubb指出,2013年全球央行黄金的买需为409吨,预计今年央行将购买将降低至300吨黄金。




11 June 2014 - 欧银宽松提供绝秒拐点 黄金重返1640美元不是梦

Posted: 11 Jun 2014 03:21 AM PDT


2014-06-11 07:02:34 来源:FX168

CMC Markets高级市场分析师Colin Cieszynski周二(6月10日)研究报告中称,上周欧洲央行(ECB)颁布了"史无前例"的超级宽松货币政策,包括降息、新一轮LTRO以及可能的欧版QE,而这或许意味着黄金市场正面临一个绝佳的拐点,长期有望重返1555-1640美元/盎司。









11 June 2014 - Gold At A Turning Point After ECB's Unprecedented Action - CMC Markets

Posted: 11 Jun 2014 03:07 AM PDT


(Kitco News) – The European Central Bank's unprecedented monetary policy announcement last week could be the turning point the gold market needs to generate long-term momentum, said a market analyst.

Colin Cieszynski, market analyst at CMC Markets, said in a research report released Tuesday that in the last few months he has noticed gold's primary influence has shifted to the euro from the U.S. dollar.

He said one major factor behind gold's lackluster performance is European banks' repayment of the central bank's loans from its first Long-Term Refinancing Operation during the last 18 months. This repayment process allowed the ECB to embark on "stealth tapering," as it reduced its balance sheet by about a trillion euros, he said.

During the same time period, the Federal Reserve embarked on its third round of quantitative easing program.

"You would have thought that with all that money the U.S. was printing that gold would have shot through $2,000, but it didn't," he said in an interview with Kitco News.

He added that this scenario demonstrates that gold is reacting more to the ECB's balance sheet than to the Federal Reserve's.

Cieszynski admitted the link between gold and the ECB isn't obvious, but the trend has become made clearer over the last few years.

The chart from CMC Markets shows how gold has tracked the ECB's shrinking balance sheet more than the Federal Reserve's expanding balance sheet.

A major factor behind Europe's growing influence over gold is the interconnectedness within the region, he said.

"Before the eurozone was created if Greece had a problem it was considered only their problem. Now because of the currency and the growth of the European Union, a problem in Greece causes concerns for investors in Germany and France," he said. "Europeans also see gold as an important store of wealth, more than North Americans, so if they become nervous they are more likely to buy gold to protect themselves."

Since 2010, during the height of the European financial crisis, gold acted as a safe-haven asset against geopolitical and financial instability. However, Cieszynski added the ECB's shift in monetary policy could cause the yellow metal to revert back to its traditional function as a hedge against inflation.

To stimulate growth and boost inflation, the ECB opened the flood gates: cutting interest rates, announcing a new EUR400 billion LTRO program, ending its weekly sterilization program and introducing the possibility of outright asset-backed purchases, Cieszynski explained.

"This means that we could see the ECB restore (EUR565) billion of the (EUR1) trillionish it took away or about a 56% restoration," he said.

He added that gold's immediate rally following the ECB monetary-policy meeting "may have signaled a major turning point for the yellow metal after nearly three years of declines."

"If gold continues to follow its recent trend of tracking the size of the ECB balance sheet, it could potentially stage a 56% retracement of its losses over the last few years in the coming months. A 50% to 62% retracement of the previous downtrend suggests the $1,555 to $1,640 zone could potentially be probed," he said.


10 June 2014 - 金价连跌啥时才涨?分析称当前是入市好机会

Posted: 10 Jun 2014 03:46 AM PDT





羊城晚报记者 艾修煜 摄





记者昨日从广州东山百货获悉,投资金价格为251元/克,足金297元/克,千足金298元/克。据东山百货经理戴崇业介绍,近几个月,东山百货投资金全规格销量抬头。端午小长假期间,投资金的销售占总体销售的六成左右,成为支撑销量的核心。小规格的福字投资金条今年尤为走俏。"很多人十几二十几条地买。"同时,也不乏豪掷数十万元购买大规格金条者。"就在前两天,我们花地湾分店有客人买了1000克的金条,500克的也有人买。" 戴崇业表示。


















9 June 2014 - China Looking To Dominate Gold Market With International Shanghai Gold Exchange

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 03:41 AM PDT


INVESTING | 5/27/2014 @ 11:40AM

(Kitco News) – Not only is China the world's top gold-producing and consumer nation but according to media reports, the country now has plans to become a major player in market pricing.

According to reports, the People's Bank of China has given the Shanghai Gold Exchange permission to build an international gold-trading platform in Shanghai. The exchange has already contacted foreign banks including HSBC, ANZ, Standard Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and the Bank of Nova Scotia and invited them participate in a new international board.

China's announcement to create an international price platform comes during a time of intense scrutiny of gold benchmarks. On Friday, the British regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, fined Barclays Bank Plc GBP26 million for failing to adequately manage conflicts of interest between itself and customers, as well as "systems and controls failings," connected to the London gold fixing.

Jessica Fung, commodity analyst from BMO Capital Markets, said that this move by the Chinese central bank appears to be extremely opportunistic.

"It is quite clear that the East is trying to dominate the market," she said.

Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank, agreed China is trying to capitalize on the turmoil in the London gold cash market as a result of the problems with the London gold fix.

Although the timing is opportunistic, Fung added that this is part of the Chinese government's commitment to open up their markets. She pointed out that the Hong Kong exchange's purchase of the London Metals Exchange last year is another example of how the country is slowly embracing international markets.

In August 2013, China surprised markets by giving approval to Australian bank ANZ and HSBC to trade gold futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange.

Fung recently visited China and said the perception of domestic traders is changing and they are getting more comfortable and confident about the idea of trading in international markets.

She added that the country has major credit risk problems that they have to deal with and the only way to resolve them is by looking outside their borders.

"One of the reasons for the property bubble in China is because nobody knows where to put their money," she said. "The government has to allow investors to move aboard and spread the risk."

However, the question on a lot of analysts' minds is whether an international Shanghai exchange will be able to dominate the market?

The Shanghai Gold Exchange is the largest gold exchange in the world; however, it currently provides a platform for domestic financial institutions, mining companies and retailers.

Hansen said because of the problems in the cash market, the SGE could dominate London; however, it would take a significant change in the market for China to dominate the futures market in North America.

"The investment flows are still bigger than the physical demand," he said. "The liquidity is still on North America."

Fung agreed that as long as there are still controls on Chinese markets and the yuan remains tightly regulated, an international Shanghai won't be the global standard.


9 June 2014 - 经济学家:供需面将支撑金价 下半年表现将逆转

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 03:28 AM PDT


2014-06-09 08:45:27 来源:FX168


不过American Precious Metals的贵金属经济学家兼总经理Jeff Nichols认为,黄金的基本面有所改善,短期内将有反弹,在今年晚些时候则会有较大的上涨。



另外,今年前五个月SPDR黄金ETF流出量仅为9吨,和去年全年的550吨比有大幅下降。去年黄金ETF的巨大流出量被认为是金价下跌的一大原因。目前ETF 流出量将是比较有限的,而像去年4月份那样的金价暴跌也是不太可能重演的。不过ETF的流出仍然显现出市场的负面情绪。






6 June 2014 - 美元或引爆世界经济大战 购买黄金白银有备无患

Posted: 06 Jun 2014 03:34 AM PDT


发布时间:2014-06-06 07:22:00 来源:中国经济网 作者:佚名 责任编辑:孙朋浩

Sharpspixley专栏作家Patrick A. Heller最近撰文称,近年来,中国以及俄罗斯在国际政治经济体系中日渐崛起,美元霸主地位受到挑战。同时,鉴于各种政治经济较量,"去美元化"愈演愈烈,美元受到挑战。加之对美国经济复苏或是伪繁荣的质疑,美元稳定性受到一定程度削弱。美元或引爆第三次世界经济战争,建议多购买黄金白银等硬通货,做到"有备无患"。








商品期货投资大鳄罗杰斯(James Rogers)在最近接受采访时称,十年前,中国政府掌控80%经济体,只有20%经济是由市场自由运行的。现今,美国政府操控经济比例由先前的20%上升到了40%。中国政治逐渐趋于民主化,经济实力也日渐壮大。因此,中国经济在增长而美国经济发展缓慢也在情理之中。




5 June 2014 - 数据:实物买家不惧金价暴跌 5月末积极加仓

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 03:32 AM PDT


2014-06-05 07:20:31 来源:FX168





BullionVault数据显示,5月净买家中有五分之一是在当月最后四天中有所动作的,正是这些买盘将该指数推高 。在此之前,该指数在解决2年最低水平附近。





5 June 2014 - Indexology®: The Gold War of India’s Policy vs. U.S. Economy

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 03:28 AM PDT


June 3rd at 6:00am by Indexology Blog By SP Dow Jones Indices

This questions whether gold can recover after its biggest historical drop since 1981. According to the Federal Reserve, the U.S. economy is strengthening, labor market conditions are improving and inflation has been low in the expanding economy. According to Yellen, "looking ahead, I expect that economic activity will expand at a somewhat faster pace this year than it did last year, that the unemployment rate will continue to decline gradually, and that inflation will begin to move up toward 2 percent."

These comments don't fare well for gold so India's import policy may be its only hope for price recovery. Below is a summary of questions from a recent interview about the driving forces of gold.

Gold prices have cooled off in recent weeks and are hovering at around $1280-1290 an oz. The price is much below the year-before when levels of about $1380-1400 was seen in May 2013. What according to you is causing weakness in gold prices? The idea of gold as a safe haven means investors have used gold as a store of value. As the Fed tapers, the risk-off environment is subsiding with a potentially improving U.S. economy and stronger dollar, so the demand for gold as a safe haven has declined putting pressure on the price.

What are the factors that can help gold prices recover from these levels? Do you see that happening any sooner? A crisis might drive up demand for gold, which we have seen in mini waves as compared with the sizable global financial crisis. Recently spikes occurred from the tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Other supporting factors could be if Indian imports improve from lesser restrictions or if the Chinese local premiums increased to about double their current $3 levels over the global benchmark.

India has been a major gold consumer globally. The Indian government had taken measures to restrict gold imports to bring current account deficit under control. Are these measures hurting the gold market globally? How do you think Indian policies with regard to gold play a role in global price determination? Anytime an outside force interferes with the supply and demand equilibrium, there is an impact. India's restriction on gold imports has had an adverse effect on the price of gold by fundamentally enlarging the supply pool in circulation – or in other words – restricting demand from the world's second largest consumer.

What are your views about the industrial metals' demand and supply scenario for the rest of the year? Do you think Chinese demand and inventory built-up would continue this year for copper and other metals? With low inventories across the commodity complex, industrials are more susceptible to supply shocks than demand drops. Opposite from the impact on gold price from India's import restriction is the positive price impact of the Indonesian export ban of nickel on nickel price, which is up 38.1% in the S&P GSCI in 2014.

What kind of movement in demand and prices do you expect in overall commodities market during this year? The Chinese demand is having less of an impact on prices than the supply shocks since the inventories are low. The storage situations turned to shortages with diminished cushions to soften the blows of the shocks. This is a favourable environment for commodities from the combination of possible inflation and interest rate rises in conjunction with low inventories driving down correlations and up returns, again from supply shocks. We also may be at a turning point in the equity/commodity cycle that can be reflected through higher commodity performance than equity performance for the first time after six years.

How much importance does Indian commodities market hold in global markets? Is the new government formation in India going to affect commodities market globally? How? India is an important consumer of commodities, though the futures market is not yet developed enough to have contracts included from local exchanges in major indices. If the new government creates growth that may help the economically sensitive commodities like energy and industrial metals, but if there is turmoil, then gold may get a boost.

Several foreign investors and trade participants have shown lack of confidence in India's commodity exchanges, as the largest exchange in India, Multi-Commodity Exchange (MCX) is facing legal issues with its promoter getting arrested for allegations of financial scam. Has it affected the confidence of market participants and investors overseas? The market impact of investor confidence is difficult to attribute to isolated factors, especially on less developed exchanges. Again, generally, if investors feel fear, they may flee to gold as a safe haven rather than economically sensitive commodities.

This article was written by Jodie Gunzberg, global head of commodities, S&P Dow Jones Indices.

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