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21 May 2014 - 美股大跌提振金价 黄金T+D小幅收高

21 May 2014 - 美股大跌提振金价 黄金T+D小幅收高

21 May 2014 - 美股大跌提振金价 黄金T+D小幅收高

Posted: 21 May 2014 02:59 AM PDT


2014-05-21 02:45:00 来源:汇通网





黄金基金持仓持平,在金价整体波幅受限的情况下,投资人并不愿意入场交易,等待更多的消息指引。截至5月19日全球最大的黄金上市交易基金SPDR Gold Trust的黄金持仓量与前一个交易日相比保持在781.98 吨。







21 May 2014 - Worldwide Gold Jewelry Demand Increases 3%

Posted: 21 May 2014 02:56 AM PDT


Anthony DeMarco, Contributor

Demand for gold jewelry by volume continued its growth of the past few quarters based on consumers across the globe (with notable exceptions) taking advantage of a year-over-year 21 percent drop in the price of the precious metal, according to a report by the World Gold Council. Economic recoveries in some countries also is viewed as a contributing factor for this continued growth.

The amount of gold jewelry purchased in the first quarter of 2014 increased 3 percent year-over-year to 570.7 tons, the largest first quarter volume since 2005, according to the WGC's quarterly report, Gold Demand Trends. Meanwhile, demand in value terms for the first quarter fell 18 percent year-over-year to $23.7 billion, largely a function of the first quarter 2013 value of gold being the third highest on record.

The modest growth increase in gold jewelry demand made up for declines in gold demand in the technology and investment sectors, which are tracked by the WGC report. Overall gold demand in the first quarter was flat year-over-year at 1,074.5 tons. The value of demand declined 21 percent year-over-year to $44.7 billion due to the impact of lower gold prices.

Geographically, increases in demand were reasonably widespread, the WGC said.


China continues to lead the rest of the world in gold jewelry demand with a 10 percent growth in volume to 203.2 tons, accounting for more than 35 percent of worldwide jewelry demand. The WGC credits the seasonal impact of Chinese New Year being closely followed by Valentine's Day, and the strong gold buying and gifting traditions associated with those two occasions, along with the nation's "pro-gold culture" and rising incomes. Demand tailed off once the festive occasions were over.

New Year seasonal affects and lower pricing were also present in a number of markets in the Southeast Asia, notably Indonesia and Vietnam where demand increased by 9 percent and 3 percent, respectively. Thailand was the exception with a year-over-year decline of 17 percent.

The most notable decline at the country level was in India, one of the world's largest gold markets, with a 9 percent drop in jewelry demand to 145.6 tons due to ongoing restrictions to gold imports as well as cash and gold restrictions for India's consumers as a result of anti-corruption measures during the country's governmental elections. "These created an atmosphere of uncertainty, particularly with respect to the import curbs and whether these may be lifted for the second half of the year, which left many consumers reluctant to buy until a clear post-election picture emerges," the WGC said in its report. "We continue to view India as a source of strong latent demand, which will be unleashed as and when the government restrictions on gold are eased."

US and UK

Consumers in the US and the UK responded positively to lower gold prices and continued economic recovery. US jewelry demand increased 5 percent to 19.1 tons. Severe weather conditions in January affected demand but the slack was made up in February and March as "consumers shifted from plated jewelry towards higher carat items, encouraged by retailers dedicating more shelf space to gold jewelry." The increase also reflected stock replenishment after stronger than expected Christmas sales.

In the UK, the lower gold price, the strength of the British pound and signs of economic recovery led to a 29 percent gain in gold jewelry demand to 3.5 tons.

Middle East

Gold jewelry demand in the United Arab Emirates increased 18 percent to 22.1 tons, making it the highest quarterly total since the record third quarter of 2008, the WGC said. Jewelry demand strengthened across the Middle Eastern region as a whole.

Egypt saw growth of 6 percent to 12.8 tons, "predominantly in the high-carat investment-proxy segment." Even with the strong showing, demand in Egypt "continues to suffer as a result of the ongoing political tensions," the WGC said.

In Turkey gold jewelry demand declined 12 percent to 14.5 tons. Currency depreciation resulted in a sharp rise in local gold prices during the quarter, which deterred jewelry buyers. The decline was further exacerbated by political controversy, with the ruling party facing corruption allegations.


In Russia, continued economic slowdown, combined with further depreciation of the rouble and an outbreak of geopolitical tensions, led to a 2 percent year-over-year decline in Russian jewelry demand to 17 tons. This ended 12 quarters of expansion in this market "as consumers were more focused on accumulating savings to combat the environment of uncertainty and instability," the WGC said.


20 May 2014 - 提升黄金定价权 上海自贸区力争四季度推出黄金国际板

Posted: 21 May 2014 02:53 AM PDT


2014-05-20 04:00:00 来源:上海金融报













20 May 2014 - European Central Banks to Coordinate Gold Transactions

Posted: 21 May 2014 02:51 AM PDT



Central banks in the euro zone, Switzerland and Sweden have agreed to coordinate their gold transactions and have no current plans to sell "significant" amounts, the European Central Bank said Monday.

The five-year agreement will apply starting Sept. 27 this year, when the current accord on gold dealings by the central banks expires.

"Gold remains an important element of global monetary reserves," the ECB said in a statement. "The signatories will continue to coordinate their gold transactions so as to avoid market disturbances," it said.

The agreement among some of Europe's key central banks has been in place since 1999. The rationale is that, with central banks typically being large holders of gold, it is necessary to coordinate any transactions so as to prevent volatile swings in the gold market.

Under the 2009 renewal, the ECB, plus the Swedish and Swiss central banks, said sales would not surpass 400 tonnes annually, or 2,000 tonnes over the five-year period. The current one doesn't specify a limit.

"The signatories note that, currently, they do not have any plans to sell significant amounts of gold," the ECB said.

The ECB and its member central banks in the euro zone held EUR327 billion ($448.4 billion) in gold on their balance sheets as of May 9. The Swiss Central bank had CHF38 billion ($42.6 billion) in gold at the end of April.

At the end of 2013, Sweden's Riksbank owned SEK31.4 billion of gold ($4.8 billion).


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