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5 March 2014 - Gold prices hold near 4-month high amid Ukraine crisis

5 March 2014 - Gold prices hold near 4-month high amid Ukraine crisis

5 March 2014 - Gold prices hold near 4-month high amid Ukraine crisis

Posted: 05 Mar 2014 03:51 AM PST


Reuters, Singapore
Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Gold held near its strongest level in four months on Tuesday after Russia's military intervention in Ukraine prompted safe-haven buying as investors trimmed assets perceived as riskier such as equities.

But bullion may need help from the physical market as it struggles to sustain gains after prices broke a key resistance of $1,350 an ounce. The metal has risen more than 12 percent this year, having shed 28 percent in 2013 on the prospect of a global economic recovery.

Cash gold was little changed at $1,350.04 an ounce by 0306 GMT after rising 2 percent to touch $1,354.80 on Monday, its strongest level since late October.

"I think investors may be pretty cautious. They already bought gold yesterday and the day before. Jewelers came to buy very small amounts of gold today," Ronald Leung, chief dealer at Lee Cheong Gold Dealers in Hong Kong

"Sentiment is of course a little bit bullish from here," said Leung, referring to support from the escalating tensions in Ukraine.

U.S. gold was steady at $1,350.80 ounce.

President Barack Obama met for over two hours on Monday with his national security advisers and discussed ways the United States and its allies could "further isolate" Russia over its military intervention in Ukraine, a White House official said.

Asian shares were on the defensive as tensions over Ukraine showed no sign of abating, with Russia tightening its grip on Crimea while the West sought measures to deter Moscow.

The physical gold market saw a mixture of buying and selling. Premiums for gold bars in Hong Kong were quoted at $1 to $1.30 cents to the spot London prices, little changed from last week.

But weakening differentials between 99.99 percent purity gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange and cash gold were likely to crimp demand from China.

"We probably won't be able to replicate last year's record year. There was a rush in April when prices dropped $200. But it was more like a frenzy, bargain hunting by people who had no clear ideas about the gold market," said Joyce Liu, investment analyst at Phillip Futures in Singapore.

"The current price premiums also show that consumer demand is tapering."

Dealers in Singapore noted selling, which kept premiums for gold bars unchanged at 80 cents to the spot London prices.

India has started to make physical checks of gold stocks held by wholesalers to ensure inventories match the amount imported by banks and state-run traders, an industry association said, as the country steps up efforts to halt smuggling.


5 March 2014 - China Now Biggest Driver of Gold Prices, HSBC Says

Posted: 05 Mar 2014 03:49 AM PST


March 4, 2014

"We would argue that physical demand trends in the emerging world will largely define gold's price movements this year," HSBC analysts James Steel and Howard Wen said in a research note.China alone can take up the equivalent of half of the global gold mine output, while a possible recovery in Indian demand could also act as a boost for the yellow metal as long as the Indian authorities reduce import tariffs on gold.

Investment demand, typically coming from gold exchange-traded funds, had long been considered the sole reason behind the gold's decade-long bull run. Hedge funds and money managers poured money into gold ETFs in anticipation of inflation amid loose global monetary policy.But a reversal of that trade on expectations of a winding-down of the bond buying program by the Federal Reserve which saw macro hedge-funds and other investors liquidate 881 tons of gold from ETF holdings last year, reducing total holdings by one-third from their peak at end-2012.

Nonetheless, the yellow metal wasn't burned–apart from the tradition of jewelry gift-giving, the young generation in the Asian nation were quietly snapping up gold out of concern of their country's property market and the health of the economy.And that helped provide a floor to falling gold prices last year (down nearly 30% on year), and make up for the outflows of gold ETFs.

HSBC says it expects China to remain the world's largest importer, consumer and producer of gold this year.To be sure, headwinds exist – economists have warned about deflation risks globally as economic growth in developed markets, such as the U.S. and Europe, has yet to gather steam. That would imply "lower gold prices than would otherwise be the case, as falling prices removes the need to own gold as an inflation hedge," the house says."Gold prices may be influenced based on how well the Fed manages this transition," it adds.A stronger U.S. dollar against its rivals, such as euro, may also weigh on gold prices as they are denominated in the greenback and will therefore look less appealing for other currency holders.


5 March 2014 - 东欧局势远未结束 黄金避险买盘定将卷土重来

Posted: 05 Mar 2014 03:46 AM PST


2014年03月05日08:28 来源:FX168 



俄罗斯新闻社引用克里姆林宫发言人的话称,总统普京(Vladimir Putin)已经命令演习部队返回基地。克里姆林宫此前表示,位于乌克兰边境地带的军事演习与乌克兰当前的局势无关。

白宫官员周二表示,因俄罗斯军事干涉乌克兰,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周一与国家安全顾问会晤了两个小时,商讨美国及其盟友进一步孤立俄罗斯的事宜。


SEB Commodity Research首席商品分析师Bjarne Schieldrop称,"由于俄罗斯方面宣布撤军,意味着乌克兰及其克里米亚半岛局势暂时不会继续升级,因此隔夜下跌的风险资产日内都有所反弹,而金价却遭遇短期的获利了结打压下挫。"



Price Futures Group高级市场分析师Phil Flynn称,"绝对不要低估普金,此前每当市场尝试去了解他时,他最后的做法总会令市场出乎意料。"



技术面上,三菱集团(Mitsubishi)贵金属策略师Jonathan Butler表示,"隔夜金价曾上涨至1350美元的四个月高位,而位置目前已转化为关键的阻力。相信未来几个交易日交易商将密切关注金价是否会再次上探1350一线。如果是,这将确认金价的上行趋势,反之亦然。"




4 March 2014 - Gold Bulls Run for $1,400 as Turmoil in Ukraine Spurs Demand

Posted: 04 Mar 2014 08:13 PM PST


Gold traders are setting their sights on $1,400 an ounce, a price not reached since September, as the worst standoff between the West and Russia since the end of the Cold War increases demand for the metal as a haven.

The most-traded bullion option on the Comex yesterday was a call giving owners the right to buy at $1,400 by April, with an estimated 4,547 lots changing hands. That's almost double the amount of the next most-active option and compares with an average volume of 427 in the past month.

Investors are once again flocking to the precious metal, leaving prices poised for the biggest quarterly gain since 2007. Russia's growing military presence in Ukraine is the latest sign of global turmoil fueling the rally after slowing U.S. economic growth and slumps in emerging-market currencies. Money managers are the most bullish on gold in 14 months, government data show. Bullion tumbled 28 percent in 2013, the biggest drop since 1981.

"Worries about a possible conflict are very constructive for gold, and we are seeing momentum traders come in," Quincy Krosby, a market strategist for Newark, New Jersey-based Prudential Financial Inc., which oversees more than $1 trillion of assets, said in a telephone interview. "The mixed economic numbers out of the U.S. and concerns about slowdown in other parts of the world have boosted demand for a safe-haven asset."

Gold futures for April delivery gained 2.2 percent yesterday to $1,350.30 on the Comex, after touching $1,355, the highest since October. The contract dropped 1.3 percent to $1,332.60 at 8:30 a.m. in New York today. The April $1,400 call surged 240 percent yesterday to $5.10.

2014 Rally

Bullion jumped 11 percent this year, the third-biggest gain among the Standard & Poor's GSCI Spot Index of 24 commodities, which climbed 3.4 percent. Arabica coffee surged 73 percent in New York, while hogs gained 26 percent in Chicago.

Holdings in gold-backed exchange-traded products rose 6.9 metric tons to 1,746 tons in February, the first monthly gain since December 2012, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The U.S. economy grew at a 2.4 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter, compared with the government's first estimate of 3.2 percent issued in January, the Commerce Department said Feb. 28.

Gold plunged into a bear market in April as some investors lost faith in the metal as a store of value amid an equity rally and muted inflation. Last year, ETP assets dropped 33 percent, wiping $73.4 billion from the value of the funds. Prices also fell as the Federal Reserve prepared to slow the pace of monetary stimulus. The central bank cut monthly bond purchases in December and January by $10 billion, leaving purchases at $65 billion.

'Risk-Off Day'

"We saw a classic risk-off day, with money moving towards all safe-haven assets," Michael Gayed, the chief investment strategist who helps oversee $250 million at New York-based Pension Partners LLC, said in a telephone interview. "Once the panic subsides, we may see gold become a bit vulnerable and lose some ground."

Analysts are split on the outlook for prices. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. last month reiterated its forecast for the metal to reach $1,050 by the end of the year. Westpac Banking Corp. sees bullion dropping to $1,011 in December. UBS AG said Feb. 19 that the commodity has "started to shed its stigma" and increased its 2014 forecast to $1,300 from $1,200.

Gold surged 70 percent from December 2008 to June 2011 as the Fed pumped more than $2 trillion into the financial system to boost growth. Prices rose to an all-time high of $1,923.70 in September 2011. Fed Chair Janet Yellen said last week that the central bank is "open to reconsidering" the pace of cutbacks in asset purchases should the economy weaken. Policy makers next meet March 18-19.

Hedge Funds

Hedge funds and other money managers boosted their gold net-long position, or bullish bets, by 25 percent to 113,911 contracts in the week to Feb. 25, the highest since December 2012, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission data show.

"The fundamentals are very supportive, and gold looks good technically as well," Bill O'Neill, a partner at Logic Advisors in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, said in a telephone interview. "If the market is able to hold on to its gains in the next few sessions, we could rise to $1,400."


4 March 2014 - 乌克兰局势持续发酵 现货黄金3月3日大涨

Posted: 04 Mar 2014 08:10 PM PST


2014年03月04日 08:46 生意社 


因3月3日俄罗斯黑海舰队向驻克里米亚的乌克兰军队发出最后警告,令整个局势再度升温,刺激黄金(1337.70, -0.20, -0.01%)的避险买盘,同时全球股市普遍下滑,金价受支撑大涨近2%。现货黄金收涨。现货黄金上涨24.60美元,涨幅1.86%,报1350.30美元/盎司。









法国外贸银行(Natixis)的商品研究主管Nic Brown认为尽管近期金价还有更大的上涨空间,但对于目前水平,投资者们应该谨慎,并且不要对受天气影响的经济有太多解读。Brown认为,金价有潜力在近期上涨到1400美元/盎司,但该行的观点是黄金过分扩张,会随着改善的经济数据而有所修正。

新加坡Phillip期货投资分析师Joyce Liu表示,"因局势动荡,黄金短期受到支撑。我正在关注金价是否会突破去年10月份触及的高点1361。如果该价位告破,这将极大地鼓舞更多的买家进入市场,因为突破该阻力意味着趋势有改变的潜力。需要密切关注金价,看看它能否继续上升并收于该水平上方。"




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