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28 March 2014 - Gold rush in Japan over impending tax rise

28 March 2014 - Gold rush in Japan over impending tax rise

28 March 2014 - Gold rush in Japan over impending tax rise

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 03:39 AM PDT


Cecilia Jamasmie | March 27, 2014

Japanese investors are reportedly hoarding gold bars, aiming for short-term profits, as the country braces for its first sales tax hike in 17 years, seen as crucial for bringing down the massive national debt.

Beginning April 1, Japan's consumption tax will rise from 5% to 8% and since gold purchases are subject to such levy, speculators are buying now to sell it back to dealers once the higher rate kicks in, reports (subs. required)

According to the article, customers have lined up for hours this week at some renown precious metals retailers, such as Tanaka Kikinzoku Jewellery, which has seen its sales jump 530% so far this month, compared to the same period last year.

Physical deliveries of gold at the Tokyo Commodity Exchange, meanwhile, have reached its highest levels since 2007 both in February and in December, reports The market also recorded substantial delivery surges before the introduction of tax consumption in 1989, and then again when the rate was increased from 3% to 5% in 1997.

Analysts worry the upcoming tax hike may have similar effects to what happened then, deterring consumers and foreshadowing a cycle of falling prices. However other factors, including the Asian financial crisis, also weighed on Japan's economy, which fell into recession not too long afterwards.


28 March 2014 - 日本将于4月1日上调消费税 日本掀起抢金潮

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 03:37 AM PDT


2014年03月28日08:15 来源:华尔街见闻


据英国《金融时报》报道,日本田中贵金属珠宝公司(Tanaka Kikinzoku Jewelry)称,3月公司旗下的七间商店金条销量大涨5倍还多。周四,该公司位于银座的旗舰店里,人们需要排队3小时,购买重量500克金条,价格约为2.25万美元。3月是该公司120年历史以来最忙的的一个月。



2. 不到两周的时间内,黄金期货自克里米亚公投后1392美元/盎司的高点累计下滑100多美元,美东时间3月27日盘中跌至1290美元/盎司下方。


3. 投资者担心安倍经济学崩溃,投资者的担心在股市中也有所表现。2013年,日经225指数达到峰值时,高于美国道指的点位,而截至上周三,道指较日经指数超出近2000点,两大指数差距创13个月最大。由于日元美元汇率失去了持续下跌的动能,通过日元的套利交易开始崩溃。而自安倍晋三上台后实施大规模货币刺激后,日本贸易帐赤字急剧扩大。



27 March 2014 - 专家:伊拉克央行购金将推动金价涨至1400美元

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 02:48 AM PDT


2014年03月27日07:44 来源:FX168

伊拉克央行(Central Bank of Iraq)周二(3月25日)在声明中表示,2014年3月至今该央行已大量买入36公吨的黄金储备(价值15.6亿美元),为3年多来之最。而Kitco全球交易主管Peter Hug表示伊拉克3月的购金行为有望推升金价至1400美元。

伊拉克央行(Central Bank of Iraq)周二(3月25日)在声明中表示,2014年3月至今该央行已大量买入36公吨的黄金储备(价值15.6亿美元),为3年多来之最,以维持本币第纳尔的汇价。同时,此次伊拉克央行月度购买的黄金储备已经超过去年部分大型工业国家的需求。


Kitco全球交易主管Peter Hug周三(3月26日)在接受采访时表示,"伊拉克央行此次意外大量购买黄金储备对市场造成的影响很难被量化。但我相信,尽管伊拉克购金的目的仅在于分散储备以及支撑其本币第纳尔,但仍会对金价构成积极的推动作用。"




27 March 2014 - Gold demand surge in China

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 02:43 AM PDT


BY PAUL PLOUMIS March 26, 2014

China's Gold import from Hong Kong was reported to surge in February after more banks were permitted to import gold by the government amid the increasing demand for gold, the Chinese government gave authorized permission for more banks to carry out import of precious metals because of which Gold import in the country climbed a record high last month and is expected to continue.

According to expert analyst report, net import of China in February reached a total of 109.2 mt when compared to the 83.6 mt in January a year ago. The estimate from Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department yesterday released the information that China's export to Hong Kong was found to suffer a decline by 15.8 tons in February which stood at 19 tons in January. As per the data compiled by the Statistics Department in a separate statement, the bullion price is rising 9.1 % this year owing to the increasing consumption of gold in Asia. The factors such as the weakening market and the speculations of US recovery is said to be influencing the haven demand of Gold in Asian countries.

India which was the largest consumer of gold in the world was dragged down to the second position by China in 2014 after the stringent rules and regulations in India which declined its gold import considerably. China had issued gold importing licenses to Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., China Everbright Bank Co. and HSBC Holdings Plc in January which reflected largely in the country's gold import ratio.

According to a partner at Shanghai-based Investment Management Company, Chinese imports and sales saw an upsurge during the Lunar New Year in 2014 when the demand for gold inventories increased at record-breaking levels. Gold import was also strengthened by demand from traders who used bullion purchases in trade financing deals to acquire immediate bank credit.

World Gold Council report shows that the Chinese consumption reached a record of 1,066 tons last year as the gold demand in the form of coins, bars and jewelry climbed 32% in February. Gold holdings in ETF also mounted 6.9% in February; indicating first time increase in 14 months. Data from Hong Kong showed that the mainland Chinese buyers reached a total of 125 tons in February as compared to 102.6 tons in January.


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