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6 February 2014 - BlackRock’s Hambro on gold in 2014 sees price stability ahead

6 February 2014 - BlackRock’s Hambro on gold in 2014 sees price stability ahead

6 February 2014 - BlackRock’s Hambro on gold in 2014 sees price stability ahead

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 02:32 AM PST



Evy Hambro, Fund Manager of BlackRock's Gold & General Fund, who is visiting Cape Town for the Mining Indaba conference, had some pertinent comments to make on the prospects for gold over the next 12 months. As might be expected from a Fund Manager who looks after a portfolio largely comprised of gold stocks, he is perhaps more bullish on the yellow metal's prospects than many of the bank analysts whose downbeat views seem to have achieved considerable prominence since the beginning of the year.

"In the near term a strengthening U.S. economy and the withdrawal of quantitative easing could act as headwinds to the gold price." Says Hambro. "However, we expect much of this has already been factored into markets and the gold price should find some stability over coming months. From this point we believe there is the potential for the gold price to trend higher as strong retail demand, ongoing central bank demand and the consequences of significant levels of monetary easing across the globe contribute to inflationary pressures, which make real assets such as gold attractive to investors."

Hambro's views do at least coincide to an extent with those of the writer and it is perhaps significant in this respect that the second announced stage of tapering by the Fed has so far had little adverse impact on the gold price, even at a time when many feel the price might crash due to a lack of Chinese buying as the Lunar New Year holiday curtails trade.

Hambro comments that selling out of the big gold ETFs – GLD in particular – put the gold price under considerable pressure in the West, despite Chinese buying in particular being extremely strong. Indeed total Chinese purchases of gold have been well in excess of that offloaded from the ETFs. But, as the size of the ETF pot diminishes the potential volume of sales has to fall – and in fact the GLD ETF has actually been taking back in a little gold over the past couple of weeks, but it is probably still too early to gauge if this represents a reversal in trend or just a blip in the recent downward spiral. 

Hambro feels that if ETF sales do continue at anywhere near the rate of the past two years then gold is unlikely to regain any positive momentum, but if the reverse occurs and the recent pattern of purchases into the GLD ETF continues, and Chinese purchases come back strongly after the New Year holiday, then we should see an upwards price trajectory.

On gold stocks, Hambro notes that the pattern of cost cutting coupled with capex cuts, given where valuations and margins currently stand he would expect gold equities to exhibit a greater beta to gold in the future. They should thus be well placed to deliver a strong performance in this environment.

Hambro is probably still in the minority though with many analysts following the Goldman Sachs lead and looking to falls to $1,050 or less, but to this observer his arguments seem logical – and perhaps even quite conservative. If the gold ETF sales do cease and demand remains high then there would only seem to be one way for the metal price to go as shortages of tradeable metal develop in the West. The golden seesaw may be due for a further upwards lift.


6 February 2014 - 实物金价迈入2时代激发购买热情 社科院仍看空

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 02:31 AM PST


本报记者 褚睿雅






明牌珠宝(23.91, -0.59, -2.41%)的销售人员罗先生表示,虽然他没有做详细的统计,但能感觉到今年春节期间比去年春节期间购买黄金首饰的顾客增加了许多。"这还得归功于2013年的黄金价格大跌,价格下来了,把大家的购买热情激发出来了。早几年大家可能是结婚的时候来买点黄金戴戴,但去年开始,很多人往家里囤黄金了,有好多顾客都是熟面孔,之前已经买过好些首饰的。"



从2013年过渡到2014年初,黄金走出了一波探底回升的反弹行情,不少投资者对此都心生希望——黄金的春天要来了。CPM Group贵金属分析师Jeff Christian 1月29日接受媒体采访时也表示,金价可能在2月初触及1280美元(每盎司,下同)甚至更高,而且涨势会维持至3月。Christian称,"相比起2月份,我认为金价更有可能在3月末上探1320美元。"




世界黄金协会的投资研究主管Juan Carlos Artigas预计,出于投资多元化的需求,2014年全球投资者可能将资产配置的2%-10%调整为黄金资产,而当前这一配置比例仅有1%。



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