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Silver and Gold Prices: The Gold Price has an Established Uptrend ...

Silver and <b>Gold Prices</b>: The <b>Gold Price</b> has an Established Uptrend <b>...</b>

Silver and <b>Gold Prices</b>: The <b>Gold Price</b> has an Established Uptrend <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 05:05 PM PST

Gold Price Close Today : 1,246.70
Gold Price Close 3-Jan-14 : 1,238.40
Change : 8.30 or 0.7%

Silver Price Close Today : 20.201
Silver Price Close 3-Jan-14 : 20.182
Change : 1.90 or 0.1%

Gold Silver Ratio Today : 61.715
Gold Silver Ratio 3-Jan-14 : 61.362
Change : 0.353 or 0.6%

Silver Gold Ratio : 0.01620
Silver Gold Ratio 3-Jan-14 : 0.01630
Change : 0.000 or -0.6%

Dow in Gold Dollars : $ 272.55
Dow in Gold Dollars 3-Jan-14 : $ 274.92
Change : -2.38 or -0.9%

Dow in Gold Ounces : 13.184
Dow in Gold Ounces 3-Jan-14 : 13.299
Change : -0.11 or -0.9%

Dow in Silver Ounces : 813.68
Dow in Silver Ounces 3-Jan-14 : 816.07
Change : -2.40 or -0.3%

Dow Industrial : 16,437.05
Dow Industrial 3-Jan-14 : 16,469.99
Change : -32.94 or -0.2%

S&P 500 : 1,842.37
S&P 500 3-Jan-14 : 1,831.37
Change : 11.00 or 0.6%

US Dollar Index : 80.750
US Dollar Index 3-Jan-14 : 81.040
Change : -0.29 or -0.4%

Platinum Price Close Today : 1,434.70
Platinum Price Close 3-Jan-14 : 1,411.50
Change : 23.20 or 1.6%

Palladium Price Close Today : 745.15
Palladium Price Close 3-Jan-14 : 730.30
Change : 14.85 or 2.0%

For the third week in a row silver and GOLD PRICES are stronger than stocks, and against a rising dollar too. The silver and gold price came back growling this week, stocks are confused, white metals are up, and the US dollar index fainted again today.

After being knocked back from the $1,250 level a few days ago, the gold price darted right back to the line today, rising $17.40(1.4%) to $1,246.70. From that position next week gold can challenge $1,250 and the most significant hurdle, $1,267.50, the December high. Gold closed mere dollars and cents from its 50 DMA at $1,249.

So take stock: The GOLD PRICE has an established uptrend, is above its 20 DMA and knocking on its 50 DMA. Momentum indicators are all strong, and related markets (gold equity indices) are firming or showing double bottoms. The Dow in Gold is falling, pointing to gold strength. And the weekly chart has risen three weeks running. All good.

Listen, y'all, bull markets always climb a wall of worry -- can it get through the next level? And the next? It's too early to call the December lows a double bottom with June, other than as an operating assumption, but if gold can o'erleap $1,267.50, then $1,361.80, the bottom has been seen.

The SILVER PRICE far outshone the gold price today, rising 2.7% (53.8 cents) to 2020.1. Yea, how comforting to see gold above the 2000 cent line! And silver cut into but did not cross over its 50 DMA (2021c), and closed right on it.

Silver shows a double bottom in December, which also pairs with the June lows. Internal indicators are all positive. What else do you want?

Well, a close above the last high at 2044c, then a quick rise through 2100c resistance, followed by a speedy rise above the October 2309.5c high. Is that plain enough?

Unless silver closes below 1940 cents and the gold price below $1,195, I am working on the assumption that they have put a bottom unto the long 2011-2013 correction.

Stock indices inauspiciously gainsaid one other today. Day started out with a very bad jobs report that drove stocks down. Oddly, investors discounted that and stocks ended higher. Normally when a market doesn't react to bad news, or moves up rather than falls, it signals great strength. But how does that explain the Dow, the senior, blue chip stock index, FALLING today when all the other indices rose? That disharmony augurs something not quite right underneath. Looking at the chart, the Dow remains in a downtrend begun on 31 December and is closing in on its 20 Dma (16,286) and its uptrend line. It lost 7.71 today (0.05%) to close 16,437.05. S&P500 added 4.24 (0.23%) to 1,842.37. Day's range cut into the uptrend line, but it closed above it. However, it still has painted a downtrend on the chart. 20 DMA stands below at 1,821.85.

Might as well tell y'all I expect great sorrow, weeping, and gnashing of teeth for stock investors this year. More I study charts, more I expect that.

Meanwhile the US dollar index, apparently in expectation of less "taper" (or is it "tapir") fell, as did the yield on the 10 year treasury note (bond prices rose). Let's see, stocks rose and bonds rose. I reckon I'm too country to cipher that out, but after a break out that's very weak performance.

However, a noteworthy difference shows in the Dow in Gold and Dow in Silver.

Both broke down through their 20 DMAS (825.85 oz and 13.36 oz), and through their short term uptrend lines. DiG lost 1.78% to 13.17 oz ($$275.25 gold dollars). DiS backed down 3.15% (whew!) to 815.33 oz. These indicators usually show the turn of metals against stocks very reliably, so we want them to lead or concur with silver and gold prices.

Y'all enjoy your weekend!

Argentum et aurum comparenda sunt -- -- Gold and silver must be bought.

- Franklin Sanders, The Moneychanger

© 2013, The Moneychanger. May not be republished in any form, including electronically, without our express permission. To avoid confusion, please remember that the comments above have a very short time horizon. Always invest with the primary trend. Gold's primary trend is up, targeting at least $3,130.00; silver's primary is up targeting 16:1 gold/silver ratio or $195.66; stocks' primary trend is down, targeting Dow under 2,900 and worth only one ounce of gold or 18 ounces of silver. or 18 ounces of silver. US $ and US$-denominated assets, primary trend down; real estate bubble has burst, primary trend down.

WARNING AND DISCLAIMER. Be advised and warned:

Do NOT use these commentaries to trade futures contracts. I don't intend them for that or write them with that short term trading outlook. I write them for long-term investors in physical metals. Take them as entertainment, but not as a timing service for futures.

NOR do I recommend investing in gold or silver Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs). Those are NOT physical metal and I fear one day one or another may go up in smoke. Unless you can breathe smoke, stay away. Call me paranoid, but the surviving rabbit is wary of traps.

NOR do I recommend trading futures options or other leveraged paper gold and silver products. These are not for the inexperienced.

NOR do I recommend buying gold and silver on margin or with debt.

What DO I recommend? Physical gold and silver coins and bars in your own hands.

One final warning: NEVER insert a 747 Jumbo Jet up your nose.

Why <b>Gold Price</b> Suppression Can NOT Continue - The Market Oracle

Posted: 10 Jan 2014 11:04 PM PST

Free Report - Financial Markets 2014

Commodities / Gold and Silver 2014 Jan 11, 2014 - 08:04 AM GMT

By: DeepCaster_LLC


"Market data provider Nanex in Winnetka, Illinois, tonight produces proof that Monday's smash down in the gold futures market was not a mistaken 'fat finger' trade but the product of a high-frequency algorithm trading program painstakingly designed to take the market down. Nanex's report, with great charts, is here: " 01/08/2014

"…I don't see why they can't just keep doing this. After all, with each smash it gets easier for them to cover their short positions.

"Exposing them by somebody standing for gold delivery which can't be delivered, is the way, but seems less and less likely. After all, Germany asked for gold delivery and didn't get it. Nothing much happened!"     Private Communications to Deepcaster

The evidence that a Cartel (Note 1) of Central Bankers and Allies has been suppressing the Prices of Gold and Silver (so as not to have A Real Money Competitor, to their Fiat Currencies and Treasury Securities) has been building for years.

Indeed, the evidence is so overwhelming that it is increasingly making its way into certain Main Stream Media.

But the foregoing private communications to Deepcaster raise a Key Question. "Why can't they just keep doing this?"

Many of us Gold Partisans have wondered the same thing, especially in light of the fact that Germany asked for its Gold back and did not get it.

But the Answer is Clear. Gold Price Suppression can not continue, which raises the questions "Why?" and "How much longer will it last?"

It can not continue indefinitely because available Physical Supplies are being drawn down much faster than Production plus "Scrap" can replace. We and others have noted the dramatic drawdown in Comex Supplies Registered (available) for Delivery. And depending on time and the Particular Market the spread between the Paper Price and the Higher Price for Deliverable Physical is often Quite Substantial.

Indeed, the "shortage" of Physical is already so substantial that Germany asked for its Physical to be repatriated from New York, and all they got was a Promise for seven years of Incremental Deliveries.

So given the foregoing evidence of Price Suppression, plus the Sovereign Nation of Germany's Inability to repatriate its own Gold, what chance is there that the Price Suppression will end soon or ever?

Answer, a Good Chance of "soon." Consider first The Challenge: every National (or Regional, as the Euro) Fiat Currency Printer in the World has an interest in attempting to delegitimize Gold and Silver as Real Money, by suppressing its Price. India's Central Bank, after all, has (against popular sentiment) piled on Tariff after Tariff to slow the Importation of Gold.

But the Draw Down of Physical Continues, led by China, the World's largest Importer and Producer. And China does not export Gold.

But One Key that the Price Suppression must end was Provided by another Communicant

"That's a great question. Why can't they just continue to do this? Perhaps they are loading up on physical at these reduced prices (most particularly Chinese interests are doing so) and then they'll let the price go up?"

Private Communications to Deepcaster

China is clearly moving toward making a Gold-Backed Yuan the World's Reserve Currency and is likely temporarily Complicit in facilitating the "low" current Prices so they can continue to Buy on the cheap.

But given the Physical Drawdown this can not last.

The German Repatriation Attempt Failure is a superb example of just how severe the Available Physical Supply Shortage is. (Germany was undoubtedly "leaned on" to accept Promises of a seven year Repatriation Scheme by its and the European Central Banks' Central Bankers in the same way the US Taxpayer was leaned on to provide the Multi-hundred Billion Dollar Bank Bailout in 2008 – "The whole System will collapse unless you do it our way" is the likely [fallacious] "Argument").

And the Regulators have proven themselves useless at best, and complicit at worst.

"MIDAS NOTE: So why and heck is it that someone doesn't demand the identity of who pulled this trigger and call them out?

"What a lame dead regulatory/investigative world we have in the US."


But the Reason the Price Suppression can not continue much longer despite Cartel Suppression attempts is found in the recent Headline

"One week into 2014 UK Royal Mint Runs out of Gold Coins"

"JBGJ understands that the main market for these coins is the Gulf and India (H/T GMS). Very likely the demand surge reflects Indian smuggling off take."

         JBGJ 01/09/2014

China and "Retail" Investors in the Gulf, India and around the World are implementing an End Run around the Cartel's Paper Price Suppression Scheme. Therefore, Expect more Delivery Failures, followed by Massive Launches up in Price.

The "when" can be answered by Monitoring the Markets and Physical Flows as Deepcaster's Reports and Alerts to its Subscribers reflect.

No surprise then that even the "smart" Establishment Money and Opinion is shifting to a "Buy Gold" Perspective. Note The Gartman Letters' Admonishment, and JBGJ's correct observation:

"…we note the 'reversal' to the upside two weeks ago which still obtains even despite the 'attack' upon gold earlier this week when prices fell $30/oz. in a matter of moments. The fact that the weekly reversal in gold's favour holds is impressive….as we watch gold buying continue at a heady pace in China and even too in India despite the latter's government's attempt to quell demand, we are impressed.

"…our propensity to act is rising.

           The Gartman Letter

"While TGL is generally unpopular amongst gold friends, JBGJ's observation is that the service has a pretty good buying record."

JBGJ, 01/09/2014

And there is one more overriding Reason the Gold Price Suppression can not continue. Consider the Headlines and Introduction to 2014 Hyperinflation Report.

The Fed-led Destruction of the Purchasing Power of the World's Reserve Currency, the U.S. Dollar, will leave one "Currency" left standing – Gold.

Extremely Difficult Circumstances in the Year Ahead:

Confluence of Economic and Systemic Crises Should Intensify

With Global Confidence in Dollar Rattled by Uncontrollable Fiscal and Monetary Excesses, U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Have Limited Options to Address Panics

Heavy Selling of U.S. Dollar Remains Likely Proximal Trigger for Inflation Pick-Up

Developing Hyperinflation Would Push Ongoing Recession into Deep Depression

Physical Gold Remains Primary Hedge for Preserving Wealth and Assets

Nothing is normal: not the economy, not the financial markets, not the financial system and not the political system. The year ahead will be an extraordinarily difficult time, with a confluence of already-intensifying crises and likely panics pummeling the moribund economy, roiling the markets, and destabilizing the financial and political systems. With the federal government and Federal Reserve locked into their respective systemic-destructive fiscal and monetary policies, a related, continuing massive loss of global and domestic confidence in the U.S. dollar, should lead to an outright dumping of the U.S. currency in the global markets, setting the initial stages of a hyperinflationary great depression.

Hyperinflation 2014—The End Game Begins, No. 587: Special Commentary 01/07/2014

Physical Gold and Silver in one's Personal Possession (NOT in Bank Vaults) are the best Protection. Deepcaster echoes Jim Rickards observation, which we paraphrase, "Those who become aware late, will wake up one day and find there is no Gold available."

Best regards,



Wealth Preservation         Wealth Enhancement

© 2013 Copyright DeepCaster LLC - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

© 2005-2013 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.

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Today&#39;s <b>Gold Prices</b> and Gold Investing News - Money Morning

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 12:00 AM PST

  • Gold prices were little changed at $1,238.80 in early trading today (Tuesday) after falling $30 an ounce Monday in mere minutes.

    Trading in February Comex gold futures was halted for 10 seconds Monday when a suspected "fat-fingered" (aka erroneous) trade sent the contract tumbling more than $30 an ounce in just minutes.

    Heavy volume was recorded in gold futures at the time of the price drop. Some 11,000 contracts, equivalent to 1.1 million troy ounces and worth about $1.3 billion, were traded in one minute at 10:14 a.m. EST. That was roughly one-tenth of gold's recent daily trading volume. The February contract slipped from $1,245.40 an ounce at 10:13 a.m. to $1,214.89. By 10:15, the price recovered to $1,234.50.

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    Owning some gold has long been a part of the Money Morning investing philosophy. After all, gold offers some insurance against the dollar-debasing policies of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

    One of the easiest ways to acquire the yellow metal is to buy a gold mining stock such as Newmont Mining Corp. (NYSE: NEM).

    At first glance, investing in any gold mining stock looks like a lousy idea. Over the past year, nearly all gold mining stocks have plummeted along with the gold prices - but much further.

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  • How to Invest in Gold in 2014

    Money Morning Defense & Tech Specialist Michael A. Robinson appeared on FOX Business' "Varney & Co." Tuesday to discuss with viewers how to invest in gold in 2014.

    Host Stuart Varney points out that gold prices fell more than 30% in 2013. Varney predicts that investors are looking ahead for answers when it comes to gold in 2014.

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  • Why Gold Is Up Today and What's Ahead for 2014

    Why gold is up today: Gold prices on Tuesday morning staged the biggest advance since mid-October. Gold prices ended Tuesday's session sharply higher, hitting a three-week high. February gold gained $28, or 1.5%, at $1,262.20 an ounce. Spot gold added $22.70 to reach $1,263.50 an ounce.

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    Gold futures ticked up Friday, following a two-day dip that left gold prices at levels not seen since early summer.

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    From early methods like panning and trenching, to lode prospectors hunting for rock outcrops and veins, to the invention of drill bits...

    In modern times, we use increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques, such as seismic sensors, magnetometry, and gravimetrics to help locate potential gold deposits.

    But, after thousands of years of digging for gold, the low-hanging fruit's already been picked. Most remaining deposits are becoming increasingly difficult to find, and increasingly low grade.

    Now, a surprising, brand-new gold prospecting tool may be in the offing - one that's far less technologically demanding, and much less invasive.

    It seems nature itself has found a way to extract gold from the ground.

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    Increasing gold demand in China has put the Asian nation on track to become the world's biggest consumer of the precious metal.

    According to the World Gold Council, China's gold consumption is on pace to increase to a record 1,000 tons this year, up 29% year over year, surpassing India as the leading global user of gold.

    Imagine what this will do to the price of gold over the next few years...
  • "Democratize" Gold and Give the Government a Black Eye

    We all know that, so long as the Fed keeps the printing presses on, the risk of a worldwide currency crisis gets even higher.

    Gold, of course, is the timeless hedge here - for all the reasons you and I know.

    But are we truly prepared for a currency crisis?

    Much of the gold in the United States is owned by big institutions: the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and bullion banks. So, if a currency crisis hits, their 8,900-ton hoard won't do us a bit of good.

    But there is one country whose "democratic" approach to gold ownership will allow its people to survive a currency crisis, literally, in fine style.

    Not only that, but this country's people are giving their government a whopping black eye for its heavy-handed ways in the process.

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  • Why Gold Prices Are Down Right Now

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    As 2011's very popular YouTube video showed us, the honey badger makes moves that don't make sense - it "don't care."

    And neither does gold.

    Like the honey badger, gold prices just don't seem to care that the world has teetered on the brink of destruction all year. They just keep heading lower.

    Here's what's been dragging gold down...
  • Why Gold Prices Are Up Today

    Gold moved sharply higher Tuesday thanks to a weaker-than-expected September jobs report - and our country's employment situation is yet another reason why gold prices are up today and will resume their climb...

    Perhaps anticipating a weak number, gold prices began moving higher shortly before the jobs report. Gold moved up $5 to $1,320.80 two minutes before the release.

    Following the report, gold surged.

    To continue reading, please click here...
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