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24 January 2014 - 分析师:四个理由继续看涨黄金

24 January 2014 - 分析师:四个理由继续看涨黄金

24 January 2014 - 分析师:四个理由继续看涨黄金

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 02:15 AM PST


黄金价格在经历了恐怖的2013年之后,2014年年初小幅走高。但怀疑论者相信近期黄金的积极态势已无关紧要,因为在经历了2013年的暴跌之后反弹也是很自然的是,同时还要考虑到通胀问题,而Oxford Club策略师Sean Brodrick周三(1月22日)对此发表评论称,说黄金涨势无关紧要的完全是胡扯。

黄金市场依然有非常好的理由支撑其价格,并且仍有显著走高的机会,Sean Brodrick因此列出了这四项因素。












23 January 2014 - 春节效应或为黄金反弹加油

Posted: 23 Jan 2014 05:00 PM PST


全唐贵金属 孙英渤

近期,美元指数与黄金(1262.10, -1.60, -0.13%)价格的共同上行,这种现象有悖于美元与黄金负相关的传统共识。美元指数在进入2014年后温和上涨了约1%,同期黄金与美元同向变动而上行超过3%,美元汇率走高并未有效压制金价反弹,表明当前美元因素与黄金走势受到的基本面驱动因素差异化正在扩大,这种趋势料将持续至整个第一季度结束。






23 January 2014 - Abenomics Spurs Gold Sales in Japan as Inflation Hedge

Posted: 23 Jan 2014 04:54 PM PST


Gold sales by Japan's biggest bullion retailer surged 63 percent to a five-year high as prices slumped and investors sought refuge from Prime Minister ShinzoAbe's campaign to stoke inflation and weaken the yen.

Sales of bars to local investors by Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. soared to 37.3 metric tons in 2013, from 22.9 tons a year earlier, the Tokyo-based company said in a statement today. Sales exceeded purchases for the first time since 2004.

Gold in London slid 28 percent last year, the most since 1981, spurring demand in Asia while many investors in the U.S. and Europe lost faith in the metal as a store of value. The yen's 18 percent drop against the dollar since Abe became leader in December 2012 and a looming increase in the nation's sales tax help maintain bullion's appeal as a haven in Japan.

Gold for immediate delivery in London was little changed at $1,240.52 an ounce, while spot platinum rose 0.4 percent to $1,456.38 an ounce.
Sales of platinum declined 30 percent to about 5 tons in 2013 from a year earlier, while purchases rose 33 percent to about 6 tons, according to Tanaka Kikinzoku.

Abe plans to raise the sales to 8 percent from 5 percent in April to address the nation's swelling public debt also encouraged gold purchases by local investors in 2013, said Kate Harada, general manager of the precious metals department at Tanaka Kikinzoku, a unit of Tanaka Holdings Co.
"Gold has been very attractive to individual investors as a hedge against inflation," said Kazuhiko Saito, chief analyst at commodities broker Fujitomi Co. in Tokyo. "Investors became concerned as Abenomics weakened the yen."

Consumer prices excluding fresh food -- the Bank of Japan's key gauge -- rose 1.2 percent in November from a year earlier. The government last week raised its assessment of the economy for the first time since September, citing improvements in private consumption and business investment.

Tocom Volume

The precious metal priced in yen fell 13 percent last year. Futures for delivery in December on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange fell 1 percent to 4,170 yen per gram at 3:27 p.m. in Tokyo after touching a record 5,081 yen a gram on Feb. 7, 2013.

The weaker yen has been a boon for Tocom, with the volume of contracts from commodities from gold to rubber climbing 5.4 percent in 2013. Standard bullion futures increased 2.8 percent.


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