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5 December 2013 - Get the best price for your Gold, Silver in Holiday season: Expert

5 December 2013 - Get the best price for your Gold, Silver in Holiday season: Expert

5 December 2013 - Get the best price for your Gold, Silver in Holiday season: Expert

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 02:14 AM PST


A reputable jeweler or coin dealer should pay you between 70 and 80 percent of the current bullion melt value of the gold. Remember that you'll receive less money for an ounce of 14 karat gold jewelry than you will for gold that is 18 karat, Fuljenz pointed out.

TEXAS (Bullion Street): Gold buyers and sellers need to be cautious and do their homework while trading the metals during holidays so as to ensure that they don't overpay when they buy and get a fair price when they sell.

The advice comes from award-winning precious metals and rare coin expert Michael Fuljenz, President of Universal Coin and Bullion in Beaumont, Texas.

He advises that when it's time to sell, you should sell to a specialist.   "If you have gold coins, sell them to a coin dealer, perhaps in your own community.  Because coins are their main business, coin dealers usually will pay far more for gold coins than a pawn broker, jeweler or 'hotel buyer' who is in town for a day or two and then gone," Fuljenz explains. In recent years Fuljenz has helped news media investigate and expose pennies-on-the-dollar offers from some traveling hotel buyers.  

One buyer who claimed in his big advertisements he would "Pay The Highest Prices" offered only $60 for a gold coin actually worth $10,000, and was not even registered with local or state agencies to do business at the time.  "If you are selling gold jewelry or so-called 'scrap gold,' always ask for the weight in ounces.  Don't allow buyers to mislead you by quoting measurements in grams or pennyweights.  A reputable jeweler or coin dealer should pay you between 70 and 80 percent of the current bullion melt value of the gold.  Remember that you'll receive less money for an ounce of 14 karat gold jewelry than you will for gold that is 18 karat," Fuljenz pointed out.  

 "Before you buy or sell rare coins or bullion coins check whether the dealer has professional affiliations within industry, such as membership in the Professional Numismatists Guild, and if the dealer has received awards or recognition from peers in the coin industry.  Also check the company's ratings with the Better Business Bureau," advised Fuljenz who is known as America's Gold Expert. He emphasizes that consumers should know the current price of gold when they buy or sell.   If you are buying 'common' one-ounce bullion coins, such as the American Eagle or Canadian Maple Leaf, typically you should not pay more than 5 to 6 percent over the current spot price of gold.  

Reputable dealers offer a 15-day return privilege on rare coin purchases; however, because of the potential for frequent precious metals spot price fluctuations, that kind of return privilege window usually is not available for bullion purchases," he advises. "Always get an itemized receipt from the dealer when you buy or sell.  If the dealer declines to provide a detailed, written receipt, that's a red flag.  Don't do the deal.  Take your business somewhere else." 

Fuljenz has won dozens of prestigious national and regional awards and honors for his consumer education and protection work in rare coins and precious metals.  A respected community leader in his hometown of Beaumont, Texas, Mike also has served with distinction as a consultant to the Federal Trade Commission, United States Mint and Royal Canadian Mint, and is on the Board of Directors of the influential Industry Council For Tangible Assets. 


5 December 2013 - 专家:西方应向东方学习持有黄金

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 02:10 AM PST


   黄金和白银交易商Euro Pacific Precious Metals主席Peter Schiff认为在西方国家债台高筑的背景下,或许到了该向东方学习的时候了。他认为很多美国人认为黄金是"野蛮遗物",但在亚洲,黄金却是个人储蓄的一大组成部分。这要么意味着全世界一半的人是野蛮人,要么意味着西方人将非常重要的传统丢弃了。











    印度等国政府的这些措施很符合西方对黄金的观点,既黄金对现代经济的伤害大过益处,然而Peter Schiff认为真正被黄金所伤害的只有西方各国的政府。

    与此同时,中国大陆则持续通过香港进口大量黄金。与印度不同,中国政府似乎在鼓励民众拥有更多黄金。Peter Schiff认为中国正在计划放慢购买美元,因此在将外汇储备以黄金的形势更多样化。

    Peter Schiff认为一旦中国停止购买美债,那么美联储就成为了美债唯一的大买家了,这会把利率推高,最终结果就是美元崩溃。



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