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14 November 2013 - India may lose its crown as world's largest Gold consumer to China

Posted: 14 Nov 2013 02:53 AM PST


NEW DELHI (Commodity Online): India may lose its position as the world's largest gold consumer to China due steep decline in gold imports amid recent decline in purchasing as a result of import restrictions imposed by the government on gold imports to cut its current account deficit.

"The restrictions introduced by the Indian government on importing gold through official channels had the intended effect of substantially supressing demand, with total gold consumption in India standing at 148 tons in Q3, compared to 310 tons in Q2 of this year," said the World Gold Council in its latest Gold Demand Trends report, which covers the period July-September 2013.

The council further said in its report that, the global recycling of gold fell 11% compared to the same quarter in 2012, in India the recycling figure increased more than five fold to 61 tons.

However, government regulations in India are dampening demand figures. India recorded a 32% decline in consumer demand compared to the same quarter last year. However year to date, demand remains robust, up 19% compared to the first three quarters of 2012, following the surge in demand sparked by two price falls earlier in 2013.

Meanwhile, gold demand was particularly strong in China, where the figure reached 164 tons, a rise of 29% compared to with the same period last year. Total Chinese consumer demand was 210 tons in Q3 2013, a rise of 18% compared to the same period last year, the council said.

Reserve Bank of India Governor, Raghuram Rajan said on Wednesday that India's current account deficit in 2013-14 would be about $ 56 billion, less than 3% of GDP and $ 32 billion less than last year.

"I am especially happy about the 13.5% increase in dollar exports since last October, the reduction in imports by 14.5% and dramatic reduction in the trade deficit by 48%. Our estimate is that the Current Account Deficit (CAD) for this year will be about $ 56 billion, less than 3% of GDP and $ 32 billion less than last year," he said.

Gold import restrictions may have supported for the above statement.

Last year, India imported over 847 tons of gold but new restrictions on gold imports may bring down this figure drastically, analysts said. Festival demand has weakened due to higher prices and lower imports but consumer preferences are changing to platinum, diamond jewellery and light weight gold jewellery, reports said.

Standard & Poor's Rating Services in its recent analysis has affirmed the 'BBB-' long term and 'A-3' short-term unsolicited sovereign credit ratings on India while maintaining a negative outlook on long term ratings. S&P has indicated that rating may be lowered to speculative grade if the new government that comes into power in 2014 proves incapable of reversing India's low economic growth.


14 November 2013 - 外媒:2013年中国可能增加620公吨黄金 10年内超美国

Posted: 14 Nov 2013 02:47 AM PST


      中国数据研究分析师Kenneth Hoffmann以及Andrew Cosgrove周三(11月13日)表示,预计中国央行上半年已经秘密购入了300公吨黄金储备,甚至更多,如果中国继续维持当前的购金步伐,很可能在未来10年内赶超美国,进一步接近"去美国化"的目标。









14 November 2013 - Yellen Says Economy Performing ‘Far Short’ of Potential

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 06:32 PM PST


Janet Yellen, vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, after her nomination to be chair of the Federal Reserve, on Capitol Hill in Washington on Nov. 7.

Janet Yellen, nominated to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the economy and labor market are performing "far short of their potential" and must improve before the Fed can begin reducing monetary stimulus.

"A strong recovery will ultimately enable the Fed to reduce its monetary accommodation and reliance on unconventional policy tools such as asset purchases," Yellen, the Fed's vice chairman, said in testimony prepared for her nomination hearing tomorrow before the Senate Banking Committee. "I believe that supporting the recovery today is the surest path to returning to a more normal approach to monetary policy."

The remarks show Yellen is committed to the central bank's strategy of attempting to boost the economy and lower 7.3 percent unemployment, more than four years after the economy began to recover from the longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression. She also signaled support for capital and liquidity rules to help reduce the perception that some banks are too big to fail.

"Her approach is let's do more QE now to get the job done faster," said Laura Rosner, a U.S. economist at BNP Paribas SA in New York and a former researcher at the New York Fed, referring to the quantitative easing bond purchase program. "Yellen is repeating her commitment to getting the job done."

In three pages of prepared remarks, Yellen said unemployment is "still too high, reflecting a labor market and economy performing far short of their potential" and that inflation is "expected" to remain below the Fed's 2 percent goal. She also highlighted areas where the economy has improved, saying housing "seems to have turned a corner" and the auto industry has made an "impressive comeback," she said.

Bond Yields

Equity futures advanced and government bond yields decreased on Yellen's comments, released after the close of U.S. exchanges. Standard & Poor's 500 Index futures expiring in December climbed 0.1 percent to 1,779.6 at 5:08 p.m. in New York. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell 0.07 percentage point to 2.7 percent.

Yellen in her testimony publicly voiced her views for the first time in seven months on the unprecedented monetary stimulus that she's supported and that some lawmakers have used to justify voting against her. The hearing is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. in Washington.

She also said that the Fed has "made progress in promoting a strong and stable financial system, but here, too, important work lies ahead."

Liquidity Rules

Capital and liquidity rules, as well as "strong supervision," are important tools to regulate the largest banks, Yellen said. "In writing new rules, however, the Fed should continue to limit the regulatory burden for community banks and smaller institutions, taking into account their distinct role and contributions."

The U.S. central bank is imposing higher capital and liquidity standards on the biggest banks as required by the Dodd Frank Act, and examining how banks fare in a crisis through its annual stress test.

"It's a note from their well-played songbook," said Joseph Engelhard, senior vice president at Capital Alpha Partners LLC in Washington. "There is an implicit recognition that too-big-to-fail exists," even though the Fed has "the tools to deal with it."

Yellen, 67, was nominated last month by President Barack Obama to succeed Ben S. Bernanke, whose term at the central bank expires Jan. 31.

Dire Outcome

In her remarks, Yellen said "the past six years have been challenging for our nation and difficult for many Americans," crediting Bernanke for averting an even more dire outcome.

"The effects were severe, but they could have been far worse," Yellen said. "Under the wise and skillful leadership of Chairman Bernanke, the Fed helped stabilize the financial system, arrest the steep fall in the economy and restart growth."

The banking committee, consisting of 12 Democrats and 10 Republicans, will vote at a later date on whether to advance Yellen's nomination to the full Senate. She'll need the support of at least 60 senators to win confirmation.

Tim Johnson, chairman of the banking committee and a Democrat from South Dakota, said he is "excited to cast my vote to confirm her as the first woman to serve as chair of the Federal Reserve, and when we vote on the nomination, I urge my colleagues to do the same," he said in remarks prepared for the hearing.

Opposed Yellen

Four of the committee's Republicans, including Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, the senior member, opposed Yellen when she was considered for Fed vice chairman in 2010.

"I still have concerns, which were the concerns behind my original vote on her original nomination, about her support of the quantitative easing and the entire direction the bank has been going for the last few years," Crapo said in an interview last week. He has not committed to how he will vote this time.

The other banking committee Republicans who previously opposed Yellen are Alabama's Richard Shelby, Louisiana's David Vitter and Tennessee's Bob Corker. She was supported in 2010 by Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns, a Republican. None of the panel's Democrats have said they'll oppose her nomination.

Yellen's testimony comes at a critical moment for monetary policy. The Federal Open Market Committee, which she is poised to lead, is considering whether to begin slowing its $85 billion monthly bond purchase program, which is pushing the Fed's assets toward a record $4 trillion.

Elevated Joblessness

The nation's jobless rate has exceeded 7 percent for more than four years since the end of the longest recession since the Great Depression, even as the Fed presses on with an unprecedented program to keep interest rates low. The Fed's target rate has been held near zero since December 2008.

Financial markets have closely followed the debate within the Fed over when to wind down its bond buying. Speculation that the Fed would begin to taper its bond buying helped push 30-year mortgage rates to a two-year high of 4.58 percent in August, while the yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to a two-year high of 3 percent in September. The average mortgage rate was 4.16 percent as of Nov. 7.

Yellen's Speeches

Yellen has refrained from publicly engaging in the asset purchase debate. She stopped giving speeches once she was under consideration for the top job. Her last public address, on regulation, was delivered June 2. She has not given a speech on monetary policy since April 16.

Last month, when President Barack Obama announced her nomination, Yellen said more needs to be done to strengthen the nation's economic recovery.

"While we have made progress, we have farther to go," she said Oct. 9. "The mandate of the Federal Reserve is to serve all the American people, and too many Americans still can't find a job and worry how they will pay their bills and provide for their families."

If confirmed, Yellen will lead the Fed's efforts to finish implementation of the most sweeping overhaul of financial regulation since the 1930s. Rules on proprietary trading and bank capital are pending.

U.S. financial regulators are also trying to ensure that a failure at one of the largest banks won't threaten to trigger an economic collapse, requiring taxpayer support to prop up the bank. The Dodd-Frank Act requires banks to write plans on how they would wind operations down, and empowers the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to reorganize a failing bank while imposing losses on shareholders and creditors.


13 November 2013 - 此时不买黄金恐追悔莫及

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 06:29 PM PST











13 November 2013 - U.S. Mint’s Silver-Coin Sales Reach Annual Record

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 06:21 PM PST


Sales of American Eagle silver coins by the U.S. Mint since the start of the year surpassed the annual record as the futures market rallied from the lowest in 34 months.

Sales reached almost 40.2 million ounces, the mint said yesterday in an e-mail. Authorized purchasers bought the full weekly allocation of 500,000 coins, boosting the total this year above the previous all-time high of almost 39.9 million ounces in 2011, it said.

"Strong demand for silver coins should be a supporting factor for the price," said Daniel Briesemann, an analyst at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt. Physical demand has limited the price drop in 2013, during which silver has retreated 31 percent, he said.

Surging sales of bars, jewelry and coins helped to support gold and silver prices this year after they plunged into a bear market in April as some investors lost faith in precious metals as a store of value, amid a U.S. equity rally and concern the Federal Reserve will taper its stimulus program. Sales of gold coins may rise to a record this year, Richard Peterson, the acting director of the mint, said in June.

Silver futures on the Comex in New York are heading for the biggest drop since 1981. Gold futures have dropped 24 percent, heading for the first annual decline since 2000.

Retail Demand

"The retail demand has remained very strong especially for silver," Scott Carter, the chief executive officer of Los Angeles-based Lear Capital, a precious-metals dealer, said in a telephone interview. "The lower prices and uncertainty because of the government shutdown made silver very attractive" for coin buyers, he said.

Silver futures advanced 14 percent to $20.765 an ounce from $18.17 on June 28, when the metal touched the lowest since Aug. 24, 2010. Futures trading volumes today were 72 percent higher than the average for the past 100 days at this time, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Imports by China, the world's second-biggest silver user, advanced each month from May to August. The U.S. is the top consumer of the metal.

In January, the mint's sales reached an all-time monthly high of 7.498 million ounces. The U.S. Mint suspended sales of silver coins for more than a week in January because of a lack of inventory. The mint plans to issue its last weekly allocation of 2013 coins on Dec. 9.

Sales Halt

The halt in sales next month may push up the premium that wholesale dealers charge to customers, Frank McGhee, the head dealer at Integrated Brokerage Services LLC in Chicago, said in a telephone interview.

The premium, around 18 percent last month, "could jump again as the demand remains buoyant and supplies will shrink," he said. The premium surged to 25 percent in April, the highest since 2008, according to Richard Nachbar, a coin dealer based in Williamsville, New York.

Silver futures reached a 31-year high of $49.845 on April 25, 2011, and gold rose to a record $1,923.70 an ounce on Sept. 6, 2011.


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