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8 August 2014 - India tops in Swiss Gold imports

8 August 2014 - India tops in Swiss Gold imports

8 August 2014 - India tops in Swiss Gold imports

Posted: 08 Aug 2014 03:36 AM PDT


India topped among Swiss gold importing countries, Switzerland exported about 42 per cent of the total gold and silver to India.

 NEW DELHI(Bullion Street): India topped among Swiss gold importing countries, Switzerland exported about 42 per cent of the total gold and silver to India.

India imported 1.63 billion francs ($1.8 billion) worth gold, silver and coins in the month of June from Switzerland. While the total value of exports from Switzerland stood at 3.9 billion Swiss franc ($4.3 billion), according to Swiss government.

The overall Swiss exports increased to 32.1 billion francs this year on account of Indian Gold demand. India alone imported 7.3 billion francs worth gold from that total, or roughly 23% of their market. Gold is used primarily to make jewellery in India, which is considered a store of value and used as part of many rituals, including weddings.

In the last decade, 75% of gold demand in India has taken the form of jewellery, according to the World Gold Council. More than two-thirds of that demand comes from the country's rural population, where practical considerations of the portability and security of jewellery as an investment keep demand high even among the low income Indians.


8 August 2014 - Harga Emas Naik Meski Pengangguran di AS Berkurang

Posted: 08 Aug 2014 03:31 AM PDT

From:, Chicago - Harga emas berjangka di divisi COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange ditutup menguat pada perdagangan Kamis (Jumat pagi WIB) meskipun jumlah klaim pengangguran yang diajukan warga Amerika Serikat (AS) merosot pada pekan lalu, jauh lebih rendah dari ekspektasi pasar.

Dilansir dari Xinhua, Jumat (8/8/2014), kontrak emas yang paling aktif untuk pengiriman Desember naik US$ 4,3 atau 0,33 persen menjadi US$ 1.312,5 per ounce.

Perselisihan geopolitik Ukraina dan Irak menyebabkan kenaikan emas, tetapi kenaikan itu dibatasi data pengangguran yang dirilis Departemen Tenaga Kerja AS. Laporan menunjukkan angka klaim pengangguran awal turun 14 ribu menjadi 289.000. Hal ini tidak hanya terendah empat minggu rata-rata sejak 2006, namun juga lebih baik dari ekspektasi analis.

Bursa saham AS ditutup melemah. Hal ini lebih meningkatkan daya tarik emas sebagai safe haven.

Berbeda dengan emas, harga perak untuk pengiriman September justru turun US$ 3,4 sen atau 0,17 persen menjadi US$ 19,99 per ounce. Harga platinum untuk pengiriman Oktober naik US$ 16,3 atau 1,11 persen menjadi US$ 1.481,5 per ounce.


8 August 2014 - Gold Rises to 3-Week High as Iraq Crisis Spurs Buying

Posted: 08 Aug 2014 03:28 AM PDT


By Maria Kolesnikova and Glenys Sim

Gold advanced to a three-week high as unrest in the Middle East spurred demand for a haven.

U.S. President Barack Obama authorized air strikes in Iraq and Russia banned agriculture imports from the U.S. and European Union in retaliation over sanctions in relation to the conflict in Ukraine. Israel said a cease-fire with Hamas forces in Gaza was violated hours before it was due to expire.

"Pretty much a perfect storm for gold prices," David Govett, head of precious metals at Marex Spectron Group in London, said in a note today. "Resolutions seem a long way off. It is going to be all about headlines today."

Bullion for immediate delivery rose 0.5 percent to $1,318.58 an ounce by 9:00 a.m. in London after climbing to $1,322.76 an ounce, the highest since July 18, according to Bloomberg generic pricing. Gold for December delivery increased 0.5 percent to $1,319.10 on the Comex in New York on trading that was more than double the 100-day average for this time of day, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Fighting in Ukraine and the Middle East helped gold to climb 9.7 percent this year, with prices up 1.9 percent this week, heading for the first weekly gain in four weeks.

"Obama authorizing air strikes against Iraq is likely to increase the risk-aversion in the market place and send gold prices higher," Howie Lee, a Singapore-based investment analyst at Phillip Futures Ltd., said in an e-mail. "Risks are now tilted to the upside."

Bullion priced in euros reached the highest since March 17 today. The metal denominated in pounds climbed to the highest since April 15.

Silver for immediate delivery advanced 0.6 percent to $20.0835 an ounce. Prices are heading for a fourth weekly drop, the longest streak since Nov. 22.

Platinum climbed 0.2 percent to $1,482.55 an ounce and palladium increased 0.3 percent to $859 an ounce.


8 August 2014 - 国际金价“趁乱”上涨 重上1300美元

Posted: 08 Aug 2014 03:22 AM PDT






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