25 August 2014 - Harga Emas Berkilau di Akhir Pekan |
- 25 August 2014 - Harga Emas Berkilau di Akhir Pekan
- 25 August 2014 - Gold gains on tensions in Ukraine
- 25 August 2014 - Central Banks Buying Gold "Firmly" in 2014
- 25 August 2014 - 重庆人黄金投资兴趣上升 过半人表示要买就买金条
25 August 2014 - Harga Emas Berkilau di Akhir Pekan Posted: 25 Aug 2014 02:24 AM PDT From:http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/2095154/harga-emas-berkilau-di-akhir-pekan Liputan6.com, Chicago- Harga emas berjangka di divisi COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange akhirnya berbalik naik usai turun dalam lima sesi berturut-turut disebabkan melemahnya bursa saham Amerika Serikat (AS) dan kembali memanasnya konflik Ukraina. Dilansir Xinhua, Sabtu (23/8/2014), kontrak emas yang paling aktif untuk pengiriman Desember naik US$ 4,8 atau 0,38 persen menjadi US$ 1.280,2 per ounce. Penguatan terjadi setelah harga emas terkikis lebih dari tiga persen sejak 15 Agustus, merespons serangkaian data ekonomi AS yang solid menambah kekhawatiran adanya kenaikan suku bunga yang lebih cepat dari perkiraan oleh Bank Sentral AS (The Fed). Investor mempertimbangkan kebijakan moneter AS dari Gubernur The Fed Janet Yellen yang berpidato pada pertemuan tahunan dunia gubernur bank sentral di Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Pidatonya dianggap sebagai netral. Di depan geopolitik, negara-negara Barat menyesalkan keputusan Rusia untuk mengirim konsinyasi kemanusiaan ke wilayah Ukraina tanpa pengawalan dari Komite Internasional Palang Merah atau persetujuan dari pemerintah Ukraina. Harga emas untuk pengiriman Desember tergelincir 1,9 persen pada minggu ini, penurunan terbesar sejak merosotnya 2,09 persen untuk pekan yang berakhir 18 Juli. Harga perak untuk pengiriman September turun US$ 2,9 sen atau 0,15 persen menjadi US$ 19,386 per ounce. Platinum untuk pengiriman Oktober turun US$ 0,8 atau 0,06 persen menjadi ditutup US$ 1.418,5 per ounce. (Ndw) Source:http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/2095154/harga-emas-berkilau-di-akhir-pekan |
25 August 2014 - Gold gains on tensions in Ukraine Posted: 25 Aug 2014 02:21 AM PDT From:http://www.skynews.com.au/business/business/world/2014/08/25/gold-gains-on-tensions-in-ukraine.html Gold prices rose Friday as tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East trumped investor worries about a potential rise in US interest rates. Gold for December delivery, the most actively traded contract, closed up $US4.80, or 0.4 per cent, at $US1,280.20 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. For the week, the contract lost two per cent. US and Western military leaders condemned Russia for sending a convoy of trucks believed to be carrying humanitarian aid into eastern Ukraine without Kiev's permission, calling it a violation of Ukraine's sovereignty that could spark an international response. In the Middle East, US officials have called for more airstrikes against Islamic militants in Iraq, while Hamas killed 18 people accused of collaborating with Israeli forces, after three of its senior leaders died in targeted attacks by Israel Thursday. Some investors buy gold in times of geopolitical or economic uncertainty, believing it will hold its value better than other assets. But with the US recovery gaining strength and the Federal Reserve seen as debating a sooner-than-expected increase in interest rates, some investors believe prices for the precious metal are headed lower. At a Friday meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen reiterated comments made in July, saying the Fed could raise rates sooner than expected if the job market continues to improve or consumer prices rise toward the central bank's 2 per cent goal, but will keep rates low if progress stalls. Silver prices fell 2.9 cents, or 0.2 per cent, to $US19.386 a troy ounce. It was the lowest settlement for the most actively traded silver contract since June 11. Prices are down almost 10 per cent from their July 10 peak of $US21.508 an ounce. Platinum for October delivery eased 80 cents, or 0.1 per cent, to $US1,418.50 a troy ounce, the lowest settlement since April 24. Source:http://www.skynews.com.au/business/business/world/2014/08/25/gold-gains-on-tensions-in-ukraine.html |
25 August 2014 - Central Banks Buying Gold "Firmly" in 2014 Posted: 25 Aug 2014 02:11 AM PDT From:https://www.bullionvault.com/gold-news/buying-gold-0820141 GOLD BUYING by central banks has continued ahead of recent averages in 2014, according to several analysts' notes. "Central banks remained firmly on the buy-side of the gold market" in the first half of the year, writes Macquarie Bank analyst Matthew Turner in London. Based on official gold bullion reserves as reported to the International Monetary Fund, Turner notes that his net figure of 113 tonnes for central bank gold-buying in H1 does not account for a 14-tonne drop in Ecuador's holdings – withdrawn as part of a Dollars for gold swap with US investment bank Goldman Sachs, and set to be unwound with the gold bars returned in two years' time. "The Ecuador-Goldman Sachs deal," agrees another London-based analyst, "simply reiterates that gold is a highly liquid asset that can readily be converted into cash." A similar deal with the same bank was last year begun but dropped by the socialist government of Venezuela, which under the late Hugo Chavez withdrew its gold bullion reserves from London's international trading center in what commentators called an attempt to "guard against" US seizure or interference with the Latin American state's assets overseas. According to IMF data, Moscow's gold buying in 2014 rose from 5 tonnes in the first 3 months of 2014 to 55 tonnes between April and June, when the Ukraine crisis intensified after Russia's annexation of Crimea in March. "Given Russia's FX reserves have fallen," says Turner, that "might reflect a preference for gold over government bonds in the current political environment." Also noting the increase in Russia's gold reserves, "We would expect a range of countries who are not aligned with the USA to see ever greater attraction in holding gold as a reserve asset," writes Mitsui analyst David Jollie, pointing to "indications" in reporting data which suggest Moscow may have reduced its holdings of US Treasury debt. Even though the US Dollar remains the No.1 central-bank reserve currency, "Any country that might come into political disagreement with the USA might have some fears that it might not be able to use its Dollar reserves," says Jollie. "And such a country might also have little desire to fund the US Government's budget deficit too by owning US Treasuries." The largest foreign holder of US Treasury bonds, China has not updated the world on its bullion reserves since 2009, when it revised its reported holdings 75% higher to 1,054 tonnes. Beijing is widely suspected of buying gold since then, with unreported central bank purchases explaining a gap between China's private-sector demand and visible supply. "China's nearly $4 trillion in [foreign currency] reserves," wrote British MP Kwasi Kwarteng – author of new book War and Gold: A Five-Hundred-Year History of Empires, Adventures and Debt – last month in the New York Times, "give it plenty of ammunition to claim leadership in the creation of a new monetary order." Kwarteng suggests Beijing may be buying gold to prepare for a bullion-backed Yuan – "not in the immediate future...[but] in, say, 20 years." Source:https://www.bullionvault.com/gold-news/buying-gold-0820141 |
25 August 2014 - 重庆人黄金投资兴趣上升 过半人表示要买就买金条 Posted: 25 Aug 2014 02:03 AM PDT From:http://gold.hexun.com/2014-08-25/167820173.html 1 您的家庭平均年收入是:(单选) 5万元以下 14.55% 5万元—10万元 42.3% 10万元—30万元 39% 30万元以上 4.16% 2 您对于投资黄金的看法是:(可多选) 黄金能保值、增值,已经或打算投资黄金 51.59% 从去年黄金大跌时,开始关注黄金投资 48.04% 黄金门槛太高,收益率较低,所以不考虑 23.59% 对黄金不了解,从来不关注 10.02% 3 您目前有投资黄金的打算吗(包括纸黄金、金条、黄金期货、黄金期权等,但不包括黄金饰品)? 一直在投资黄金 16.63% 有考虑过,但还在犹豫 61.12% 投资黄金的门槛较高,有想法但经济实力还不够 22.25% 从没考虑过 0 4 您的黄金投资金额,或者打算投资的黄金金额,占您总投资资产的比重是(注:该问题为黄金投资金额占投资资产的比重,而非家庭总资产的比重) 10%以下 47.92% 10%—30% 46.33% 31%—50% 4.77% 50%以上 0.98% 5 您投资或考虑投资黄金的理由是:(可多选) 保值 54.4% 增值 58.56% 风险较小 30.32% 长期持有能有效应对通货膨胀,且不必花费太多精力进行管理 46.7% 很多人都买,所以也跟着买 8.8% 其他 0.49% 6 目前的市场环境中,您更愿意通过哪种方式投资黄金?(单选) 投资金条 52.81% 纸黄金 25.79% 黄金期权 10.39% 黄金期货10.51% 其他 0.61% 7 您是否会投资一些特殊的黄金,如伦敦金、天通银等等?(单选) 不会,风险太高 41.08% 会,杠杆率很高,能获得可观收益 26.04% 不好说 32.89% 上周黄金价格一路下探,再度引发了大家对黄金投资的关注。重庆市民对黄金投资感兴趣吗?他们会拿多少钱进行投资?在众多的黄金投资品种中,他们都喜欢哪些品种呢?在重庆晨报公众调查中心展开的调查中,818位市民说出了自己的答案。 人行重庆营管部最新发布的数据显示,今年上半年,重庆黄金业务交易金额为108.87亿元,同比增长65.16%。 在楼市低迷、股市震荡的当下,重庆市民对正在走低的黄金很感兴趣?近期,重庆晨报公众调查中心联合重庆立信市场研究公司"调研吧"网站联合开展了重庆市民黄金投资的调查。结果显示,接受调查的重庆市民都考虑过投资黄金,但仅有16.63%的人投资过黄金,而在所有的黄金投资品种中,超过一半的受访者青睐金条。 关注黄金 近半人受"中国大妈"影响 截至上周一,重庆晨报共收到818位市民的回复。这些受访者中,近七成市民的年龄在21岁至50岁,男性占了一半以上。而在家庭平均年收入方面,家庭年收入在5万元以下的占14.55%,5万元至10万元之间的占42.3%,10万元至30万元的占39%,30万元以上的占4.16%。 对于黄金投资,51.59%的受访者看中了黄金能够保值、增值,准备投资。但23.59%的受访者认为黄金投资动辄需要数万元,投资门槛较高,而收益并不算最高,因此未考虑投资。而10.02%的受访者因为对黄金不了解而不予关注。 有意思的是,有48.04%的受访者是从去年黄金大跌的时候,才开始关注黄金的。2013年4月,黄金价格一天下跌20%,"中国大妈"疯狂抢金一战成名,她们与资本大鳄的角力被媒体争相报道,黄金投资也因此进入普通公众的视野。 黄金投资 61.12%的受访者在观望 让人惊讶的是,接受调查的818位市民都曾考虑过投资黄金,但仅16.63%的人一直在投资黄金,有61.12%的受访者一直在观望,犹豫。 对此,重庆某银行的理财分析师吴小姐表示,去年的暴跌使得黄金成为热门话题,很多普通市民纷纷涌入店铺抢购黄金。在这种情况下,即使从未进行过投资的市民也会受到周围同事、亲戚、朋友的影响,从而对投资黄金产生兴趣。 市民愿意拿多少钱投资黄金呢?超过九成的受访者表示投资金额占总投资资产的30%以下,其中,47.92%的受访者表示会拿出10%以下的比例投资黄金,而46.33%的受访者表示会拿出10%-30%的比例投资黄金。 投资品种 最受欢迎的就是金条 对于考虑投资黄金的理由,58.56%的受访者表示最看重黄金的增值功能,54.4%的受访者表示看重黄金的保值功能,46.7%的受访者表示看中黄金能对抗通货膨胀,同时不必花费太多精力进行管理。仅8.8%的受访者是"随波逐流",受到了周围的人影响。 调查显示,黄金投资,金条仍然是投资者的最爱。有52.81%的受访者表示会投资金条,25.79%的受访者选择了银行系统的纸黄金,10.39%的受访者选择了黄金期权,10.51%的受访者选择了黄金期货,另有0.61%的受访者选择了"其他"选项。 对此,重庆某银行的理财分析师吴小姐表示,除投资金条外,其他无论是纸黄金还是黄金期权、黄金期货等,都需要投资者具备一定的投资知识与投资经验,具有较高的门槛,因此建议普通投资者仍然是选择投资金条较为妥当。 特别提醒 投资伦敦金谨防骗局 在问及是否会考虑投资伦敦金、天通银等特殊的黄金投资渠道时,41.08%的受访者表示这些投资品种风险太高,因此不会考虑,26.04%的受访者认为可能会带来高收益,因此会考虑进行投资,另有32.89%的受访者表示不好说。 对此,吴小姐称,以伦敦金为例,这种黄金品种的杠杆率高达1:100,即投资1万元,即可在国际市场中操作100万元的现货黄金交易,而且当天买当天卖,可以为投资者提供更多的投资机遇,因此不少投资者深陷其中。 "伦敦金的骗局在全国非常普遍,不少代理商使用客户的账号恶意刷单,赚取高昂的手续费。此外,伦敦金价格波动非常大,具有很高的风险性,并且交易成本很高,非常容易就被爆仓,因此投资者一定要慎重考虑。"吴小姐告诫道。本版文/重庆晨报记者 赵鹏 吴黎帆 记者调查> 除了保值,还有纪念意义 银行黄金收藏品也热销 重庆晨报记者在采访中发现,和当前银行传统黄金业务相比,不少银行发行的黄金纪念品也受到消费者的欢迎。据了解,建设银行(601939,股吧)、中国银行(601988,股吧)、交通银行(601328,股吧)等都有自己的"独家"收藏品售卖。 VIP客户爱黄金收藏品 建行重庆分行某网点的理财经理告诉记者,比起传统投资金条,黄金收藏品更具吸引力,"无论从视觉感官,还是收藏价值,黄金收藏品都明显优于传统投资金条。不少客户,尤其是VIP客户对这类产品情有独钟。" 重庆某业内人士表示,前段时间浦发银行(600000,股吧)的"巴西世界杯纯金纪念章"、建行60周年行庆发行的"建行金钞"、熊猫金币等都受到了投资者的热捧。 投资黄金需注意细节 投资黄金渠道多样,中国银行重庆某支行的理财经理张先生提醒投资者,无论是投资实物黄金还是"纸黄金"都需留意其中的细节和注意事项。 "在购买实物黄金时,投资者首先要确认发行黄金机构的是否具有授权及认证,还有就是生产制造企业的生产水平及权威性。另外,实物金的回购条款及手续费也是投资人在购买时应该考虑的因素。投资纸黄金要注意的是,市民购买须全额付款且只能看涨。在交易方面,黄金市场白天价格走势平稳,夜间价格波动较大。晚间,投资者可利用银行纸黄金委托工具(如:获利委托、止损委托、获利止损双向委托等)来进行交易,避免时时刻刻都要盯盘。"张先生说。 打探市场> 黄金需求下降 市场看空情绪持续 今年上半年,重庆市银行业金融机构黄金业务呈快速发展态势,活跃度显著增强,成交量持续增加。人行重庆营管部货币信贷处副处长古旻表示,今年上半年,黄金业务交易金额为108.87亿元,同比增长65.16%。其中,代理上海黄金交易所业务交易金额77.09亿元,纸黄金业务交易金额15.42亿元,黄金租赁业务交易金额9.21亿元,实物金业务交易金额7.14亿元。 工商银行(601398,股吧)功劳大 中信建投期货市场部总经理曾立表示,以往黄金业务成交量最大的都是恒丰、兴业等中小型股份制银行,而今年上半年以来工商银行开始大规模介入,并且主推贵金属业务。工商银行拥有非常大的客户基数,这就导致整个银行系统黄金业务呈现出快速发展的态势。 看空情绪仍持续 未来黄金走势如何?曾立表示,上周金价下跌约2%,为近五周以来的最大跌幅,美联储主席耶伦在全球央行年会上称当前失业率数据并不能精确显示美国经济的现状,所以美联储应谨慎决定何时升息的讲话符合市场预期,黄金市场并未对该讲话做出更多反应。乌克兰局势继续紧张,而中印两国的黄金需求下降已经成为定局,即使接下来将进入印度传统的黄金需求季节也难以改变全球第一黄金消费大国和第二消费大国的总需求减少的局面。因此,市场的看空情绪仍在持续。 |
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