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Silver, gold and oil are this summer's top investment opportunities ... | How to invest in gold

Silver, <b>gold</b> and oil are this summer&#39;s top <b>investment</b> opportunities <b>...</b> | How to invest in gold

Silver, <b>gold</b> and oil are this summer&#39;s top <b>investment</b> opportunities <b>...</b>

Posted: 21 Jun 2014 10:21 PM PDT

Posted on 22 June 2014 with no comments from readers

Headlines predicting $140 or $125 a barrel oil prices as a result of the Sunni insurgency in Iraq and the possible three-way split of the country are far from being unduly alarmist with prices touching $116 last week, already up 10 per cent since the start of this crisis.

Over the last 40 years every oil crisis has been followed in short order by an economic recession in the industrialized world. Oil prices have also been highly significant for equity markets. As recently as 2011 and 2012 it was a surge in the price of oil to near $125 that brought sharp corrections in global stock markets.

War and revolution

Only this time may be different. The geopolitical crises unfolding in Iraq and also the Ukraine do not look like passing convulsions. Iraq's government in Baghdad seems to be losing its will to survive or at least command the forces supposedly under its control. The Sunni insurgency is a wider movement of many tribes, not just the vicious ISIL that the media focus upon.

At the same time the new government in Kiev naively stretches out its hand for help to the EU while not realizing what will happen if it does not start to kow-tow to the Russians. Last week tanks crossed the border and yesterday Moscow moved its most advanced fighter squadron close to the border and mobilized troops in central Russia. These are war preparations, nothing less.

In this unstable world where do you put your money? Into stock markets priced for a solid economic recovery? Rising oil and gas prices will derail an already weak and anemic economy.

The higher you go…

Overvalued stock markets have a long way to fall. Bond markets will gain in the short-term but what of central banks now prepared to push interest rates into negative territory as the ECB has done? It's another dangerously unstable investment bubble.

Bond investors could quickly be sliced and diced as fast as equity investors. No the real winners will be investments in silver, gold and oil that will soar in price as investors crowd into this trade.

Exactly how best to invest in these asset classes will be a subject for analysis in the next issue of the ArabianMoney confidential investment newsletter (subscribe here).

Why Choose <b>Invest in Gold</b>? - Gold IRA Trust

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 06:28 PM PDT

Gold InvestingIf you haven't heard of it yet, there are many people who are literally gaga over gold. Precious metals like gold make really good investments because there is always demand for them. Add that to the fact that they only exist in limited amounts, and you have one of the best investments you can possibly have. Some people acquire gold because of their aesthetic appeal, meaning they are more attracted to gold in the form of jewelry and decorative pieces. Others collect gold coins and obsess with them the way someone obsess over his collections. Perhaps the best reason to collect gold is to earn a profit and to secure your future. So why does gold make a good investment?

1. Gold's value can never dip too low.

This is because gold has an intrinsic value. Its face value might decline today, but its innate value will always be the same. Gold will always be worth something. Paper investments do not have this intrinsic value so when their values go down and if they are all you have, you can actually be left with a big loss.

2. Its value cannot be manipulated.

The problem with currencies is that the banks can produce more of them, which may cause their values to depreciate considerably. You cannot do that with gold because there is no technology invented that could manufacture this precious metal. Its supply may increase due to mining developments, but that will always be buffered by constantly increasing demand.

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3. Gold is one of the best ways to diversify your portfolio.

While you may be satisfied with stocks because they can be lucrative at some points, it is not wise to put everything you've got on them. Remember that the economy is ever changing. It's not always a good day for stocks, bonds, and currencies. The only way to shield yourself from total loss is to invest in something that has an exact opposite nature as that of volatile investments.

4. Gold is tangible.

Gold bears weight and is one of the most satisfying things to have because its value lies in its very nature. Currencies and stocks are merely paper and while they make you profit, they are not very satisfying since you can't feel their value and hold it in your hands.

5. Gold is simply more secure than any other investments.

The longer you invest in gold, the higher your profit will be and that is almost always a sure thing. Paper investments don't offer that much security because they are influenced by so many factors to which you have no control.

When it comes to gold and other precious metals, one company that you can trust is Regal Assets. Start by availing their FREE investing kit today.

Learn more about the basic of Gold 401k here

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