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Buy Gold Bullion | Another Part of the Big Picture - Trusted Resource For Gold, Silver ... | News2Gold

Buy Gold Bullion | Another Part of the Big Picture - Trusted Resource For <b>Gold</b>, Silver <b>...</b> | News2Gold

Another Part of the Big Picture - Trusted Resource For <b>Gold</b>, Silver <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 06:45 AM PDT

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I don't want to bore you again with geopolitics but I must.  I want to try to lay out another part of the big picture for you because it relates to currencies, currency values and thus power.  But before going there, I want to take a step back for a moment; we live in a world where everyone must compete to "lose."  I know this sounds funny or even wrong but it's not.  Let me explain.

The dollar is weakening versus "stuff" and it is happening on purpose, it's no accident.  "Weakening" you ask?  Yes, we actually do have very significant inflation in the U.S. no matter what you are told, deep down you know this.  "Inflation" as you feel it or the cost of goods rising is not a function of "stuff" getting better.  It's not like the apples that you buy are now sweeter, the gas for your car gives you better gas mileage or the garbage service you pay for any better.  No, what it is, is that there are more dollars outstanding constantly being created so they are simply worth less.  Since the dollar is the "reserve currency" of the world, other currencies are priced against it and must at least devalue as quickly as the dollar so that their trade and manufacturing can compete.  This is what I mean by "competing to lose," all central banks are competing in a race to devalue their currency.  If they lose this race…then their economy will lose.

Now, no country has ever devalued its way to prosperity, ever.  Devaluing the currency is the base strategy that the U.S. is following which is forcing the rest of the world to play the same game.  This is the rub, the rest of the world already knows that they are playing a game that cannot be won; in fact, it should never even be played.   The game however is being played because of the reserve status of the dollar, but the participants are quietly leaving one by one.  This is why you have been watching new alliances form and some old alliances become shaky or even fold.  This is why many new trade deals have been announced so far this year.  The process is so far advanced that Britain has even announced a direct trade deal with China which will use sterling and Yuan for settlement.  I mentioned this the other day but I cannot stress strongly enough how important this is because Britain has been our number one ally through thick or thin for 100 years.  Please understand the magnitude of this action and the "signal" the Brits have sent around the world.

I must say that the strategists of the East have been masterful.  10 years ago, what would the chances have been for Europe to cozy up to Russia?  Are they cozying now?  Not yet but wait until the weather starts to get cold.  In a very big announcement, Russia and Austria have announced a joint pipeline deal that the EU and the U.S. wanted to go through Turkey.  This is a big win for Mr. Putin (which seems to be a regular occurrence now).

Austria is acting in their own best interests even though contrary to EU and NATO (U.S.) wishes.

This deal will make Russia the gas supplier to Europe by default.  The most hilarious thing is that the Western press has prognosticated that the U.S. could supply Europe with LNG (liquefied natural gas).  LNG can never compete on a price basis with pipeline gas no matter how many times you say that it can.  No infrastructure exists or ever could economically be built for LNG to supplant pipeline gas.

I mentioned in the above paragraph "not yet" as far as warming relations between Russia and Europe are concerned but I do want to point out the obvious.  Russia is in fact putting a wedge between the U.S. and Europe.  Even if Europe would like to stand by the U.S. and her "dollar," when push comes to shove Russia is the one who has something to offer…the U.S. does not any longer. Think about this for a moment, it used to be that the U.S. could offer "protection" to Europe, do they need this anymore?  Russia seems to be intent on doing business with Europe.  Yes this could change but for now it looks like a business relationship where Europe might rather cross the U.S. than have their energy supply shut off.

I mentioned the German gold situation yesterday and how they no longer plan to repatriate it.  For now this will "go away" as I mentioned, but what will happen when the "energy wedge" that Russia holds is driven deeper?  Do you think that Germany might one day cry foul over their stolen gold when we can no longer offer them anything of value?  Right now the only thing that we can offer them is a market for their exports, will we be able to import goods using a crashed dollar?  Is this maybe one of the reasons that Germany "doesn't want their gold back?"…because they know that it would surely crash the dollar all on its own?   The answer is, "of course it is."

Our goal is to make Mr. Putin look like the bad guy but he seems content to just do business.  Shrewd business?  Yes, very, but not dirty business.  The way I see it is that China and Russia have given us the rope to hang ourselves with.  Over the years we (the U.S.) have had many forks in the road where we could do the right thing or the wrong thing, we chose the wrong thing many times and the wrongs have piled up.  China and Russia et al are not "rudely" pointing these things out to the world.  They are merely going about their business and positioning themselves for the obvious future.  They are not to this point pulling any triggers; they are just sitting back and watching us play Russian roulette all by ourselves.

They are playing this game for appearances sake because they know that it is not for the next quarter, the next year, 5 years or even 10.  No, this is about the next 50-100 years or more.  The dollar is being "unofficially" replaced right now; I suspect that within a year's time (or less) it will be officially replaced.  Whether you know it or not, you are watching history that will be spoken about, read about and rewritten many times in the future.  Your future depends upon what you do now and how you prepare for what is coming because like it or not it is coming.  Foreigners know this, sadly the vast majority of Americans still do not and won't until it's too late to do anything about it.

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Beach Ball at Record Depths! - Trusted Resource For <b>Gold</b>, Silver <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 11:45 AM PDT

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Throughout history, humanity has been plagued by the irresistible urge to accrue wealth at the expense of others.  In financial markets, this cancer has been particularly malignant; but never like today, given the advanced "tool chest" of "new age" fraudsters.  Throughout history, fiat money has caused more financial, mental and in some cases physical pain than any such tool.  However who could have conceived the damage it could cause when combined with high frequency trading algorithms, worldwide propaganda dissemination networks and a banking system that owns the government?

Fortunately, "Economic Mother Nature" cannot be defeated by such efforts; and the more she is pushed, the harder she ultimately pushes back.  Today, care of said "tools," she has been pushed farther off the "line of scrimmage" than at any time in history.  Using other popular analogies, the proverbial "beach ball" has never been submerged further, the rubber band never stretched so far and the spring never coiled so tightly.  The laws of economic physics must eventually express themselves in financial markets; and given their aforementioned, precarious state – in which unprecedented bubbles have been fostered in stocks, bonds and all manner of tradable paper, the odds of this historic anomaly unwinding soon have never been higher.  And when it does, god help those that hitched their fortunes to the money printers, whilst shunning the only assets with proven safe haven properties; i.e. physical gold and silver.

There are so many things to talk about, but literally, as I was about to start typing one of the most wildly PM-bullish, dollar-bearish news headlines of our lifetimes hit the tape – validating everything we have warned of.  I'm sure Bill Holter will expand on this topic further – as its "right up his alley"; but suffice to say, if one of the world's largest energy exporters is formally "de-dollarizing" a dangerous anti-dollar precedent will be set.  It's only a matter of time before the biggest "petrodollar asset" itself – Saudi Aramco – declares a similar intention.  And when it does, no amount of money printing, market manipulation and propaganda will be able to repair such a catastrophic blow to U.S. hegemony.  Recall, last weekend Jim Sinclair predicted a major challenge to dollar hegemony this Fall; and if he's right, we may well see significant crippling – if not outright collapse – of the U.S. government led "gold Cartel."


Okay back to the "beach ball" thing – starting with the global economy.  Sure, I could discuss the world's other major economies – like China, Japan and the Euro Zone.  However, outside the historic property bubble fostered by the UK's own printing presses, essentially all major economies are stagnating at best and freefalling at worst.  No one even disputes the ongoing collapse of China's unprecedented real estate/construction/housing bubble as illustrated by a 17% plunge in Chinese copper imports in May alone.  And as for Japan, the post-sales tax environment may well prove the final nail in the coffin for the "Land of the Setting Sun."  Europe's economy rose by a whopping 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.2%, respectively, in the last three quarters; and in recent months, data from Europe's "strongest" economy – Germany – has been in freefall.  That's why "Goldman Mario" was forced to finally act on his promise to do "whatever it takes" to save the Euro – such as last month's decision to institute negative interest rates whilst preparing a broad QE program to be launched in the coming months.

And then there's the United States of Data Fraud where apparently the historic collapse in the Baltic Dry Index is somehow immune.  Yes, as this key metric of global trade plunged 50% in the past three months, we're emphatically told by the "evil troika" of Washington, Wall Street and the MSM that the economy is rapidly "recovering."  That is if you believe the assortment of fraudulent "diffusion indices" and myriad other "adjusted" data proclaiming surging business activity, plunging inflation and lollipops and unicorns as far as the eye can see.

BDI Graph

The only problem, of course, is said "data" doesn't have the slightest correlation to actual economic activity – as exemplified by the ultimate data travesty proclaiming the "unemployment rate" is plunging whilst actual labor participation hits a 35-year low.  And FYI, note how said disparity, like so many other things in today's fraudulent world accelerated at precisely the "point of no return" era we recently wrote of i.e. late 2011 when TPTB realized, once and for all that "QE to Infinity" was guaranteed.

Employment vs Partcipation

As for said "diffusion indices," we find it remarkable that despite "surging" in recent months, the key employment category never seems to budge.  And per yesterday's jump in the PMI Services diffusion index – published by the newly IPO'd "Markit" Financial Services (there can't possibly be a conflict of interest here); we're to believe the "service economy" is exploding, despite a plunge in the business expectations component from 79.3 to 75.9.  Yes, the economy is "exploding" with "orders" and "deliveries" up sharply.  The only problem is who's buying them, and who are they being delivered to?  To wit, we know channel stuffing activities are at all-time highs – particularly in the nation's largest subprime financed recall-plagued company; and we also know retail sales are at lows not experienced since the 2008-09 financial crisis.

Zero Hedge

Again, it doesn't take a "rocket scientist" to realize such data are flat out lies.  According to Zero Hedge, the recent "Markit" diffusion indices indicate up to 6% GDP growth in the second quarter demonstrating just how wildly off base they are.  Even Wall Street criminals like Goldman Sachs are only forecasting 4%.  More importantly, take a gander at the chart we've compiled below of real economic data in the first two months of the second quarter – which at best, indicates stagnant activity.  Sure, bidding frenzies have erupted for $1+ million properties financed by freshly printed cash handed to "the 1%"; but otherwise, as exemplified by Zero Hedge's article this morning – "Please Help Us Find The 2Q Spending Surge" – we fail to see why anyone would believe the U.S. economy is "surging;" let alone, growing at all.

Good Chart

Heck, if the Fed used its own inflation gauge – i.e., the comically understated "PCE deflator" – GDP "growth" would have been far worse than reported and far weaker going forward.  To wit, it just hit a 19-month high of 1.8% – as of course, it cannot be allowed to rise above the Fed's so-called 2.0% "target" despite gasoline and food prices rising 10% in the past six months alone.  Yes, as the U.S. cost of living indisputably sits at its all-time high, the BLS decided to use an all-time low "GDP deflator" of just 1.3% in the first quarter!

Of course, said beach ball is not just at "record depths" when it comes to economic data, but financial markets as well.  Frankly, it's hard to believe we have surpassed most valuation and leverage highs of the insane internet bubble era; let alone, the equally ludicrous mid-2000s real estate bubble.  However, we decidedly have – although this time, it's not the public participating, but "the 1%" receiving free Fed cash, favorable tax treatment, and unprecedented "crony capitalism."  Conversely, the opposite goes for the precious metals "anti-bubble" – where prices have been forced to unimaginable lows, well below the cost of production amidst historically bullish fundamentals.

To wit, we learned yesterday that 2013 physical deliveries from the Shanghai Gold Exchange exceeded 2,000 tonnes atop more than 1,000 tonnes of PHYSICAL imports into Hong Kong.  Combined this amount exceeds the entire world's production of roughly 2,900 tonnes; and yet, we're to believe "freely-traded" prices plunged from $1,700/oz. to $1,200/oz. during this period.  Moreover, with both Indian silver imports and U.S. Mint silver Eagle sales hitting all-time highs in 2013, somehow we're supposed to believe "freely-traded" prices fell from $30 to $19?

As for said "paper trading," the pre-eminent COMEX expert – Harvey Organ – recently proclaimed the data to be so ridiculous it's no longer worth watching.  Which is what we've said all along as for as long as we have watched they have screamed fraud.  I mean how can so-called "commercials" hold concentrated short positions over the entirety of a 14-year bull market, and "inventory" of less than $1 billion not be taken out by the world's 1,650 individual billionaires, thousands of "institutional billionaires," and dozens of gold-starved trillionaire" central banks? You know, like the Germans who only received a measly five tonnes of the 300 they requested from the New York Fed 18 months ago?

I mean, how many times can the entire world watch gold capped at the 8:20 AM EST COMEX open and the 12:00 PM EST "cap of last resort" – as they did yesterday after the horrific GDP print, via prototypical "cartel herald" algorithm, at comically transparent "lines in the sand" like the current $1,320/oz.?  Not to mention on COMEX options expirations days as was the case yesterday?

24hr Gold Chart

To that end, how many times must we watch "2:15 AM" EST raids at the open of fraudulent London paper trading (90% of all trading days in the past year); or "key attack time #1" attacks at the 10:00 AM EST close of the global physical markets – such as today, amidst plunging stocks and Treasury yields – in the latter case, illustrating the "most damning proof yet of QE failure."

24hr Gold Chart 6-26

And how many "dead ringer" algorithms of the "Dow Jones Propaganda Average" will we witness – such as yesterday, whilst gold was suppressed via prototypical DLITG or "Don't Let it Turn Green" algorithms – before the entire world calls the U.S. government's bluff?  Clearly, the Russian are pushing this agenda now; and if Jim Sinclair is right, many others will join them by year-end.

Dow Jones Graph

SPDR Graph

We won't prognosticate if his timing is right, but certainly the inevitability of his expectations.  "QE to Infinity" is here to stay on a global scale and the "final currency war" won't end until all fiat currencies (which is to say, all currencies) are destroyed.  Perhaps, a "black swan" event like Iraq will be the catalyst; but perhaps, it will simply collapse of its own weight, given these unprecedented distortions and this unprecedented debt accumulation.

A global financial time bomb is ticking; and contrary to said propaganda, not only is the U.S. not "leading" the world economy, but is in the worst financial shape of any nation.  It won't be long before the music stops; and if you haven't already protected yourself with precious metals when it does, your fight for financial survival will be unlike any challenge your generation – or those preceding it – has ever faced.

Total US Credit Market

And hopefully, if you do make the wise decision to insure yourself from this inevitability – which just may be imminent – we hope you'll call Miles Franklin at 800-822-8080, and give us a chance to earn your business!

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<b>Gold Bullion</b> Steady Ahead of US Fed, Link to Oil Price "Broken" as <b>...</b>

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 04:42 AM PDT

GOLD BULLION prices held steady above $1270 per ounce Wednesday morning in London as European crude oil prices held near 9-month highs and Western stock markets ticked higher.

The Iraqi army said it pushed back ISIS militants from Baiji, the country's largest oil refinery, some 130 miles north of Baghdad.

Ukraine's new president, Petro Poroshenko, was set to offer a unilateral ceasefire according to Kiev, so that pro-Russian separatists can lay down their arms.

"Gold had a modest bounce this month, which I think has run its course," reckons $20 billion fund manager Michael Shaoul at Marketfield Asset Management in New York, quoted by Bloomberg.

Gold's 6-month correlation with oil prices, says the newswire, has "turned negative" for the first time since mid-2009.

"The long-term chart for oil tells me that the price wants to go higher," says Shaoul.

Trading half-a-per-cent down from last week's finish in Dollars, the price of gold bullion was less firm Wednesday against the Euro and Sterling, as the US currency slipped ahead of today's Federal Reserve decision on zero interest rates and QE money creation.

The Fed is widely expected to announce another $10 billion of QE tapering, down to $35bn per month.

Ten-year US Treasury yields edged lower as prices rose ahead of the Fed decision, offering 2.64% annual income to new buyers.

UK gilt yields meantime fell hard after minutes from the Bank of England's latest meeting showed policymakers were unanimous in voting for no change to record-low 0.5% interest rates.

Silver prices tracked gold bullion, also rallying quickly from Tuesday's 0.7% spike lower and rising back to $19.75 per ounce – slightly up on last week's finish.
Market-development organization the World Gold Council meantime announced a meeting for 7 July to discuss "reform" and "modernisation" of the London Gold Fix, the century-old dealing point taken as the global daily price benchmark.

With UK and German regulators expressing interest in how the Fix is achieved, "Any reform or replacement of the Fix," the Council said – inviting central banks, miners, refiners and regulators to attend – "must serve the needs of all market participants and meet today's requirements for transparency, liquidity and independent oversight."

Trade group the London Bullion Market Association – holding a members' seminar Friday to review proposals for the Silver Fix process, due to end in its current format after 117 years in August – said "the WGC's perspective from its gold mining members and the ETF investment community ensures an important dimension to the on-going benchmark discussion."

Missing China <b>Gold</b> Warns Of Catastrophic <b>Bullion</b> Bank Default <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 01:18 PM PDT
June 26, 2014

On the heels of the news out of China that some shadow bank loans are backed by non-existent gold, today King World News spoke to the man who has been focused on uncovering sensitive government and market information for over 15 years. What he had to say will surprise KWN readers around the world. Powell discussed Eric Sprott's warning and stated that we will eventually see the paper gold Ponzi scheme lead to "bullion bank catastrophes" that will create a short squeeze unlike anything the world has ever seen. Below is what Chris Powell had to say in this remarkable and timely interview.

Eric King: "We now have news out of China that some of the shadow banking system loans were backed by non-existent gold. Over here, Eric Sprott has warned that the West cannot continue to hemorrhage gold out of its vaults indefinitely — that the West will simply run out of gold."

Powell: "That's been the lesson of history. That's what happened in the West in 1968 when the London Gold Pool collapsed in 1968, precisely because the gold available to the pool ran out. The United States, the Bank of England and the six or seven Western European countries that were part of the London Gold Pool were simply overrun….

The Rest…HERE

The Fed&#39;s Deathbed - Trusted Resource For <b>Gold</b>, Silver, Platinum <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 02:00 PM PDT

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On his weekly podcast, Andy Hoffman discusses Obamacare, U.S. treasury bonds, the housing market crashing, CNBC ratings at 20 year low, Bank of Japan, gold and silver and Jim Sinclair's meeting in Denver.  To listen to the audio, please click below:

Video:  The Fed's Deathbed

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