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19 June 2014 - 美联储决议毫无意外 金价淡定回升至1270上方

19 June 2014 - 美联储决议毫无意外 金价淡定回升至1270上方

19 June 2014 - 美联储决议毫无意外 金价淡定回升至1270上方

Posted: 19 Jun 2014 03:52 AM PDT


2014-06-19 08:29:03 来源:FX168



美联储主席耶伦(Janet Yellen)在随后进行了今年第二场新闻发布会,但言论的基调和此前并无太大出入,耶伦指出,美国经济正超联储目标靠拢,失业率仍然受限,通胀低于目标水平。耶轮还称,在QE结束后,低利率水平仍将维持相当一段时间。美联储计划在今年晚期为退出QE策略提供更多细节,并认为美国失业率将在2016年降回正常水平。美国最近的失业率水平一直处于高位,就业市场参与率提高可能降低失业率下滑速度。

Pension Partners LLC的研究主管Charlie Bilello说:"美联储很明显的表现出现在会把利率维持在低水平,缩减每月购债规模到350亿美元就是确认人们所预期的。"



汇丰银行(HSBC)分析师James Steel说:"经济增长预期的下调表明美联储可能不会加速缩减速度。"



乌克兰方面,克里姆林宫周三传来消息称,俄罗斯总统普京和乌克兰新总统波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko)就乌克兰东部停火的可能性交换了意见。随后,波罗申科宣布单方面停火,这也给战火连天的乌克兰东部地区局势带来了一丝和平的曙光。



19 June 2014 - Survey: 68 percent of Germans trust in Gold

Posted: 19 Jun 2014 03:50 AM PDT


Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014, 14:40 Uhr | Eingetragen von Goldreporter

A current survey by the German Forsa-Institute, commissioned by the precious metal vendor Pro Aurum shows, that gold is still highly recognised by the Germans, but equities have caught up in terms of profit expectations.

Savings accounts and fixed deposits don't generate any interest anymore and equities are often considered as risky. But although gold didn't exactly perform great in the last 3 years, Germans still consider this precious metal as the investment with the greatest earnings prospects, as a Forsa-survey repeatedly commissioned by the precious metal vendor Pro Aurum shows. But the results also show that equities were able to catch up. The June 2014 survey asked participants to complete the following sentence: "If you were to make a choice on an investment, you would draw the highest profit in 3 years with…".

With 28 % gold achieved the highest approval rate, followed by equities (27 %), fund shares (11 %), fixed deposits (9 %) and bonds (2 %), while 23 % answered "Don't know". In the latest poll in October 2013 gold had an approval rate of 27%, equities back then only obtained 20 %.

The participants were also asked to provide information on their investments. Life insurance, with 35 %, was clearly considered the most important by the Germans. As to expect, classic German investments like Building Loan Contracts and Real Estate were also listed in the Top 5.

Precious metal ownership has slightly gone up recently, but more or less stays on the same level it was in the last few years. 7 % of the interviewees stated they own gold bullion or coins, 4 % stated they own silver bullion or coins. The closing question was about gold as an investment and the interviewees were asked to evaluate on 4 predefined answers. With 76 % considering gold as a good additional investment, and 68 % still considering gold as a stable investment, the results were considerably higher than last year (62 %), but lower than they were in July 2011 (70 %).

The survey was conducted from June 10th to 13th 2014 in the context of a systematic random selection (multilevel random sampling) on 1,001 pollees with computer-assisted telephone interviews. The individual data shows that gold by tendency is given the most preference by people aged 45-59, with middle income and graduation.


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