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8 April 2014 - 交易员关注美国经济及俄罗斯局势如何影响黄金走势

8 April 2014 - 交易员关注美国经济及俄罗斯局势如何影响黄金走势

8 April 2014 - 交易员关注美国经济及俄罗斯局势如何影响黄金走势

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 02:39 AM PDT


2014年04月08日07:39 来源:理财18





Wlash Trading商业对冲主管Sean Lusk表示数据出炉后,市场迅速出现沽空回补及新买盘。尽管目前的数据并不弱,但交易员预计的是表现更好的数据。

Eureka Miner市场报告的作者兼编辑Richard Baker指出就业报告位市场带来影响。上月达19.2万的就业人数增长只是稍逊于市场预期,则支持了美联储的鸽派阵营及黄金价格,意味着支持了美联储继续推行货币宽松政策。不过由于3月份就业数据距离市场预期不远,加上前两个月的就业数据获得上调,标普500指数在回落前曾在开盘时触及历史新高,皆因美国经济录得缓慢但平稳的增长。



兴业银行(601166,股吧)贵金属分析师Robin Bhar表示交易员将会密切留意美国经济的发展,说道:"我认为美国经济复苏重返轨道,皆因近期做好的数据似乎已经确认了。"交易员将会密切留意数据将会如何影响美元及国债利率,而黄金走势则与上述两者反道而行。



金拓贵金属公司全球交易主管Peter Hug表示他会密切留意各个主要技术图表价位,不过经济增长及俄罗斯乌克兰局势发展两大因素可能导致黄金有所突破。







8 April 2014 - 3 Reasons Putin Is Bullish on Gold

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 02:37 AM PDT


BY Jonathan Yates| 04/07/14 - 02:18 PM EDT

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Before a recent pullback, gold was up double digits for 2014. Much of that can be attributed to the turmoil in Crimea and the Ukraine courtesy of Russian President Vladimir Putin. There are three reasons why Putin should be bullish for the price of gold well in the future.

1. Investors traditionally turn to gold when there is a crisis in the world.

SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) soared from around $115 in mid-December to nearly $135 in mid-March. Stocks in the sector such as Goldcorp (GG_) and Barrick Gold (ABX_) surged, too. While there never was a chance that the U.S. would go to war with Russia over Crimea, gold assets still soared. What makes the future bullish for gold here is that after the anemic American response, Putin is now emboldened to move forcefully again.

2. The American response diminished the appeal of U.S. dollar holdings to foreign investors.

Many of the largest owners of Treasury bonds and other greenback assets are potential adversaries. China is the most obvious. So were the Russians. By the White House freezing some assets, foreign investors holding U.S. dollars responded by selling out their positions as a precaution. That could keep others from buying in the future. With fewer buyers, the greenback will decline in value.

3. The U.S. appears weak in international relations.

Legendary investor Jim Rogers once stated that a weak currency is the sign of a weak economy, which is the sign of a weak government. Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, in a recent column entitled "Obama v. Putin: The Mismatch," likened Obama's approach to statesmanship to that of a beauty contestant "...being asked to name her fondest wish."

Secretary of State John Kerry after another failed effort in the Middle East admitted that American foreign policy had received a "reality check." Those and more do not reassure investors that there is strong U.S. leadership.

Underscoring these factors is still a weak American economy.

The U.S. government budget deficit in fiscal year 2013 was $680 billion. The Federal Reserve, through its quantitative easing program, is buying Treasuries and other securities at a rate of $55 billion monthly. From this, the Fed is basically financing the American budget deficit as no other buyers, foreign or domestic, can be found to buy in at such low interest rates.

Without the Fed buying such massive amounts of Treasuries, U.S. interest rates would be much higher. Investors certainly realize that would further weaken the recovery from The Great Recession. This is demonstrated by their not buying U.S. government debt. It is also seen in in the rising share prices of Barrick Gold, Goldcorp, and SPDR Gold Shares. That, along with the uncertainty of Putin's next step will up the price of gold.

At the time of publication the author held no positions in any of the stocks mentioned.


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