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19 February 2014 - This chart says buy gold

19 February 2014 - This chart says buy gold

19 February 2014 - This chart says buy gold

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 02:16 AM PST


While physical demand for gold was up 21% in 2013, gold investors dumped $40 billion-worth of gold-backed funds. That meant the net demand for gold was down 15% last year according to the World Gold Council. In fact, net gold demand was at a four-year low.

Gold exchange-traded fund outflows amounted to 881 tons, more than double the net amount purchased by the world's central banks.

According to Steve Cortes, founder of Veracruz TJM, there are fewer reasons to own gold now despite recent gains.

"It's had a very nice bounce so far in 2014," says Cortes on CNBC's Street Signs' Talking Numbers segment, "but it's really not that material when you put in the context of last year's performance. If you bought it a year ago today, you're still down almost 20% in gold."

Since gold is considered a hedge against inflation, Cortes notes one key factor for an inflationary environment is missing.

"We just don't see inflationary pressures primarily because wages are just too constrained," says Cortes. "Wage gains have been tepid, at best. That's not the recipe for an inflationary gold rally."

Looking at the technicals for the world's largest gold ETF – the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (the GLD) – Prime Executions' Chief Equity Strategist Steven Pytlar sees the potential for a short term bounce but a long term drop.

"It's been in a downtrend since 2011," says Pytlar of the GLD. He notes that the ETF traded in a sideways range from November 2011 to March 2013, a pattern be believes is repeating again.

"There is a bit more upside here as it has had this nice bounce," says Pytlar. "But, we think around $134 [roughly, $1,340/oz.], it's going to start running into some selling pressure and likely turn lower from there as there aren't any big reversal signals yet. That big downtrend from 2011 [is] likely still in effect."


19 February 2014 - China world's biggest gold market

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 02:14 AM PST


China has become the world's biggest gold market, with consumer demand rising by 32 percent in 2013 to a record level of 1,066 metric tons, according to the latest report by the World Gold Council.

"There has been a shift in gold demand from the West to East, due to the increasing appetite among the middle class in China and India," said Albert Cheng, the council's managing director.

In 2013, investment in gold bars and coins rose by 38 percent and 16 percent in China and India respectively.

Demand for jewelry increased by 29 percent in China and by 11 percent in India, according to the council, the gold industry's market development organization.

A survey in January by the council showed that about 40 percent of consumers in China and India are willing to buy gold jewelry in the coming year.

Cheng said the price of gold will keep rising in 2014. The average price was $1,411 per ounce in 2013, down by 15 percent on 2012.

Cheng said there were many reasons for the fluctuation in the gold price in 2013, such as demand for jewelry, purchases by central banks and a change in investment demand.

Wong Wai Sheung, chairman and chief executive of Lukfook Group, a leading jewelry dealer in Hong Kong, said the Chinese mainland remains a promising market in the long run.

He said the US is experiencing a slow recovery and China is conducting economic reform, which will pose certain threats to the jewelry industry. But he believes the gold price will increase, although there will be some short-term volatility.

Gold traded on Tuesday at $1,313 per ounce, up by about 10 percent from the start of the year.


19 February 2014 - 马年黄金“满血复活”

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 02:11 AM PST



金证券记者 管伟















19 February 2014 - Physical gold shines, consumer purchases hit record in 2013

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 02:09 AM PST


KUALA LUMPUR: The year 2013 turned out to be a bumper year for physical gold as consumers around the world bought the yellow metal in record amounts, with China and India leading the way, report the World Gold Council.

Last year, China became the world's biggest gold market, overtaking India for the first time and setting a new record for jewellery, bar and coin demand of 1,065.8 tonnes.

This was the first time it had broken the 1,000-tonne mark for the first time as consumers responded to lower gold prices.

In Western markets, consumer demand also remained strong with the US, in particular, having a robust year in the jewellery, bar and coin sectors, according to the latest World Gold Council Gold Demand Trends report.

However, while the gold market saw 21% growth in demand from consumers, outflows from ETFs (exchange traded funds or paper gold) came to 881 tonnes. The net result was that global gold demand in 2013 was 15% lower than in 2012, with a full year total of 3,756 tonnes.

Annual global investment in bars and coins reached 1,654 tonnes, up from 1,289 tonnes in 2012, a rise of 28%, and the highest figure since the World Gold Council's data series began in 1992.

For the full year, Chinese and Indian investment in gold bars and coins was up 38% and 16%, respectively. Although much smaller markets in terms of volume, in the US, bar and coin demand was up 26% to 68 tonnes, and in Turkey it was up 113% to 102 tonnes.

Meanwhile demand for jewellery – the other component of consumer demand – increased by 29% from 519 tonnes to 669 tonnes in China, and by 11% from 552 tonnes to 613 tonnes in India, reaching 2,209 tonnes globally – the highest figure seen since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008.

Marcus Grubb, Managing Director, Investment Strategy at the World Gold Council commented: "Twenty-thirteen has been a strong year for gold demand across sectors and geographies, with the exception of western ETF markets. Specifically, it was the year of the consumer. Although demand has continued its shift from West to East, the growing demand for gold bars, coins and jewellery is a global phenomenon.

"Taken together, the statistics demonstrate the resilience of the gold market and the unique nature of gold as an asset class, rebalancing to reflect the economic environment."

The key findings of the World Gold Council report for 2013:

1) Consumers remain key drivers in the demand for gold. Globally, consumers bought 3,864 tonnes of gold, 21% higher than in 2012. Jewellery demand for the year rose 17% to 2,209 tonnes, while investment in bars and coins was up 28% to 1,654 tonnes.

2) China and India both recorded increased demand in 2013. Consumer demand in China rose 32% in 2013 to a record level of 1,066t, while in India demand rose 13% to 975t.

3) Global consumer demand strengthens. Across the world there were large increases in consumer appetite for gold in both emerging and developed markets. Demand in Turkey was up 60%, Thailand up 73% and the US up 18%.

4) Indian demand remained strong despite several import-related curbs last year. Gold demand remained buoyant, with a full-year total of 975 tonnes compared to 864 tonnes in 2012. The WGC thinks unofficial imports almost doubled compared with 2012.

5) Central banks' purchase of gold was down 32% from 2012, but they continued to be strong buyers of gold, a trend which began in 2009. Last year the net purchases in all four quarters, totalled 369 tonnes, meaning 12 consecutive quarters of net inflows.

7) Technology demand reached 405t in 2013, virtually unchanged from the figure of 407t in 2012.


19 February 2014 - 世界黄金协会:2013年全球黄金消费创新高

Posted: 19 Feb 2014 02:05 AM PST


中证网讯 世界黄金(1319.50, -2.40, -0.18%)协会(World Gold Council)最新的《黄金需求趋势报告》表明,以中国与印度为首的全球消费者需求在2013年创下新高,中国成为全球最大的黄金市场。同时,西方市场消费需求仍旧保持旺盛,其中美国市场对金饰、金条及金币的需求尤为强劲。


2013年全球金条和金币的投资达1,654公吨,与2012年的1,289公吨相比增长了28% ,创下世界黄金协会自1992年统计数据以来的最高记录。



世界黄金协会投资部董事总经理郭博思(Marcus Grubb)指出:" 2013年全球黄金需求在各领域、各地区都有强劲表现,而西方ETF市场是个例外。确切地说,2013年是消费者主导的一年。虽然西金东移仍在延续,但对于金饰、金条及金币需求的增长是全球性现象。"


18 February 2014 - 国际金价站稳“千三” 半年来千足金首涨13元

Posted: 18 Feb 2014 04:52 PM PST














本报记者傅洋 窦媛媛


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